Preceding ber marriage Sat- urday, .May 1 1, to March A. Edinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F.. Edinger of 627,'arland ave-. nue, Winneètka, Miss Leanina Orr was, hostess at a spinster party for twelve of her friends, Monday night, at the home of ber p arents, Mr.,,and Mrs. Lea J. Orr, 1002 Greenleaf avenue. The wedding is to take place at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at Shawn ee Country club), with. the Rev. George P.- MagilI, offici at- ing. The last of the parties for the bride wilI be given this evening by Miss Betty Schmidt of 422 Lau~rel avenue and will be a pantry slower.. A433Qg ot9er.V for the wedding of James <l"enni Corns and Miss Sally Delilah Lee Thur.sday,, April .22. The Re V, ,John Keenan officiatéçI at the f o u r, o'clockcrm*v which was fol lowed by a recep-ý tion hield in 'thehorne, of the 1)ridegroon's parents,, M r. an'd Mrs. 0. G. Corns of 112,1 Chest- nut avenue,.which also wa's ec-ý orated ,with ýspring floweérs. The bride, given in marriage bv her father, Williamn Jess, Lee oi Danville, wore. orch ids with ber hluf suit. lier only attendant, Mrs.'Erwin Hintzpeter of Winnetka, was in a suit of navy blue. Her flowers werc pink carnations. Both the bride' and the inatroft of hoo wore* hatý. The bridegroomn's inother wore turquois<. blue with, brown accessories and gar- denias. 0. G. Corns, Jr., served as best nman for bis brQther. Another brother, Marshall C. Côrns, and Arthur M,\. CordeIl of Evanston and Gene Clif- ford of. Chicago, were the ushers. Out-of-town guests included MNr. and Mrs. Dan Cresap of Jowa, grand- parents of the bridegroomn; and Nf rs, hostess a w sonal show lss at a 'y, at Ohio, Mrs. F. G. Colt port, Pa., Miss Agnes1 land, Cal., and Mr. and rad of Webster Grove, Gives Spinster Dinner Miss Mary Ellen Boozer of A wedding dress of white satin.and a tulle veil held in place by a clutei of orange blossomns were zvorn, April 17, bit Miss H-arriet Leach, dqiu9hter of Mr. and Mrs. Hterbert J. Leach of 630 Washington avenue, zcien s/wh becaine t/w bride of Lewis Jae Bell, the son of Mr. and .Tlrs, R. E~. Befllof 807 Cltestnut. avenue. Follozsing a motor trip, the bride anid bridegroom are ,naking their home in Chica go. Dorothy Honefanger Plans June Wedding Miss Dorothy jane Honefanger of j iIL