I Monday îIs professiona bag valueci to- p r o m ,t, e01 Patonze urAdvrtser * at$10,had been stolen or taken b e t irs~o m.istake at the Wilmette Golf club. poesoa rg gists ini tb e Unit- ed, States. FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST, The board of d Tenth. Street and Central Avenue, Plan, Inc., is beadi Palmer an outstat WILM ETILNI New York, and - hc,,eading men in the field of pha Sunday Services-I L La..Mr. Lyman is m Wedesay- etimflal mppLL 1 n:.2g connections with J Sunday School Exercises-9:45 a.m. MAY 2, 1937 Subject: EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT READING ROOM-1-133 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wcdnesdajr) 9 A. M., to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tho Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail cther authorized Chrstian Science Literature may bc rçad, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. .THE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY p<VITEO TO ATITEND THE CHUUCH SEVICES AND VIiIT THE READING ROOM The Lymnan, Ph.ar avenue, and Lyma& macy, 1138 Cent rai D.S, Lymau irectors of Squibb Led by Carleton H. inding executive of includes fourteen P' nati onally known. arinacy., wvell,,known for his D. S. Lyman, phar- ,h street, Evanstonl; trmacY, 400- Liniden .n-Renlneckar Phar- Lavenue.: Jeweler ianniver oi ns ySIib iWilnette. He came here week in May, 1917, succeed- îe business of L. Beilin & :her pioneer who established rstore here during the early 907. real estate and keen humor have proved equally entertainfg and in- structive .'to vteran realto rs" and* newcomners alike. Following the program whicb wilI begin prorkptlY at 8 o'clock there will be a special discussion of proposais designed to strengthen the standards of practice in the real estate field. One of the proposed steps, accord- ing to Stewart B. Matthews, presi- dent, is that of limiting broker, co- operation betweefl member firmsof the Real Estate board. This bas beendone in a number of> cities., Mr. 'Matthews states,,and bas served to ffaterially better the observance1 of ethical practices between brokers- *Tbere wilI be no business meeting at tbis session. Players to Ofter 13 at the Table" *The Temple Players of tbe Nortb z Shore Congrégation Israel temple in 1Olencoe will present "13 at the Table' after the annual meeting and dinner of- the congregation on Sunday. evening, -May 9. - "113 at the Table" is a comedy of The , inoculation persons igood the virus of.si tho o'uroose of1 >xi, for rig per- ý- A..- years VVU (ige l $%."* t i 1-..-__- ewelry. Prior to coming to Wil- Robent Koretz, Mrs. Chester Buchs- te he was employed by Spaulding baumý Mr. and Mrs. S. Wais, Milton c ompany, on Michigan avenue, Klee, Harry Boyell, Milton Grauer, fifteen years as expert platinuin- Harvey jacobson, Mrs. S. Tark, Sidney h, the last five years as manager Rosenthal, Roy Simon, Herbert Gold- heir jewelry manufacturing shop. beng, Graham Marks.d fr. Pagliarulo is loffening, in oh- In addition a fashion show sponsored 'ance ôf this anniversary, a beau- by a prominent north shore sbop will --iýe-tin iininns wtches.i~ be presented by twelve north shore NM di I w cg m ni