Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 May 1937, p. 10

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lare. at Wilmette Church Mr. Luckeý was Fuerl ericsfo Mr. andi Mrs. a member of the Harry Douglas Orwig, 35 hria Rnswod a- roati, Wilmette, Who were killeti. on.snclde h Thursday eveninig of last week in an W. B. Lucke Wilmette Rotary automobile accident in Glencoe, were club, and the Wil- helti Monday afternoon at the Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce. ,, mette Congregatioflal' church, withI Funeral services were held on Mon- the Rev. J. W. F. Davies of: Wau- 1day afIternoon at the Scott chapel in kegan, former minister of the. Win- Wilmette. with burial at Ridgewvood, netka Cngregational church, offi- cemetery, DesPlaines. ciating. He is surviveti by his widow, Mrs. Mr. Orwig, Who was property iman- Alberta Lucke; by a ýson, .William, ager for the Sterling Mortoni inter- andi a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Baker. ests, 'and his wif e, the. former Eliz- abeth1 Moore, I were both lfte long was educateti at New Trier Township. residents'of'the north shore, Mr. Or- High school anti the University >of wig having been born and reared in Wisconsin. He was 43 years of ge Winnetka anti Mr. Orwig in Evans- Funeral services were helti on Mon- ton.' Mr. OiwgW as a embr f dyaftermoef at Christ »Epscopal. the Masons andi the Amnericaln Le- church, Winnetka, with burial at gion. Rosehill cemetery. Survivors include Their son, Douglas, jr.i who was bis witiow, Mrs. Katherifle Hinman riding with theni, sustainedt a skuhl Buchanan; bis father, L. L. Buchan- injury, but was able to return to his an; two daughters, Katherine ané- studies at'New Trier High school o 1 Barbara, anti a sister, Mrs. Virginia the Colonial architecture. T1he ex- terior will be white witb green shut- ters and landscapiflg will be done in collaboration with the Wilmette-park board in harmoflY with.the Washing- ton park ,Iandscaping plans. The men'Ps locker- room is exkpected té. be> ready for use by June 15 and the whole club,, by july 4. The Sheridan« Shore ýYacht club came, into being july 4, 192, with William H. Noble as its first c ommo- dore. Club cjuarters until last, faIt ýwere in the lower leVel of the Ben-. jamin H. Marshall residence on the east side of the harbor, although at. the start of thîs orlganiizgtiofl the. rest of this houseý was flot completed. The> first racing fleet was5 made up of. three stars and is noWý theý larges t single star club fleet in the world with 31 craft of this design. Present memn- bership is at capacity with 100 mem- sers.ReValate Harbor, It was froni the Sheridan Shore Yacht club that the Wilmette harbor association was forrned and the reg- ulation of moorings by this organiza- tion. sanctioneti by the Sanitary dis- trict brought orler out of chaos, en- abling double the nuniber of craft anchorage facilities over those previ- LASTS LUflP*Wti CO$TS US$1 0 U»O SuI-PROOFP AINT * Pei Inorti 1 shipp rry ]Buchanlan Dies Lake avenue, Wilmetttt. which îlOt QIIy assuresin iim. 1. Mrs. Burton, who was the widow shore a continuation of this fine rac- t'Home in1 WineLti of Charles Burton, manufacturer -of inig fleet but atits materially to the rry B. Buchanlan, a native of the bookbiniituîg equipment, liveti in the Park improvemetit plan in progress à shore, anti an official of a lake Kenwood district of Chicago before unider the direction of the WVilmetf e iing concerfi of Chicago, passeti moving to the north shore. Besides Park board. 7 on Fritiay at his home, 591 ber daughter,. she is surviveti by a -ry street, Wlnnetka, after an gratiddaughter, Miss Helen Van Wednestiay afternoon at the Scott -~ -i uvàra eks. 1Riper of Hollins college. chapel in Wilinette, with private Copyrighi Phone' 995 .wwmtuI mIflIgIIIIIIIIuIIIII~IIIuII!H I BOUQUET D'OR S AY A gft O graclous luxurl ei a very amail pflce f Mothe il .njoy the e nflbhlng f ragrance of Bouquet d'Orsy long afier Moiber'a Dai id .aly a memory.Xit'a igbi but Iaing-the I80w. et P"n blend in fragrance for daY Wear-, la six fimoma <'Orsay odeur-I* Dandy . Duo ...Trophée .. Com~tsse Gardestfa . . . Chypre. Lyman Phormocy. Four$h and Unden Photi Wilenette 463

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