w dition, it was annucedaseil iniainis being extended to' the neWComers in.the parish to utilize the function i n iùakingnew :acqua int- ances, Music is t 'be furnished by Jiimy Ilershel's So utih Sho re ýCounItry*. cluLr orchestra. As part of their contribution to the * success of-the affair, a. numberý of the * children of ýthe',parochial school .con- ducted by the Sisters of Providence, in -connection with the parish have m xade posters wbich are on, display in * store windows in the village. *Poster Winue Fir.st prize in the poster contest' * was won by- Annamarie Campana;, second price by Therese .. Murphy; and third prize jointly by Margaret AfcCaIl and Eleanor Peifer. Members of the various commit- tees in charge.of the party inchide: Ticket Comnt* Mrs. Thomas Ë. Gibbons, chairman, Mrs. Fred M. Clarke, co-chairman, Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. Walter Berming- hain, rs. J. R. Casey, Mrs. Warren CIQhisy, Miss E. Donnersberger Mis Rita Epplg, Mrs. Charles Engelhardi, * Mrs. Robert Fonthain, Mrs. John D Flynn, Mrs. William Fltzpatrick, Mrs. I x~o.i~goL1166 WILMETTE AVE. PATRONIZE'OUR ADVERTISERS Legare Lovlng been eleciga to mIem Scribnser, thte literary soN university, -and will Sunday, May 22. M4's also been made a mem advêrlisingj staff of the )1 tient, the miversi4, jpu Georger- -ipi UdJiU 4i aeue~, tO celeorate th(i * 101h anniversary of the founding oi George the organizatiôn. rt F'ont- After spending half an liour in the 'eo Has- mk Coll- garden, thue group adjourned to the Collyer, house, where, Mrs. Charles R.~ Norm Mar; M'%rs. Ge ArnE. co-C ham. fv John Meter,