Prices ln Efi May 19-25, l SCHLOESSR' Scl*y Twists Large old - fshion.d pret-ý zels Crisp and dellciously fre.h - Juif l.e thing fo Serve wlth ail coId drinks or, ailk- lb~-2 c Genteine., imp.ed -olive 011 of the fiuait qualify. Usea. a home-mnade . French dreu- ils bas, or for cookig- t', 89 M@uday Mooya.y$vers Lare-7c MATCH 50 soukI5 NEW POTATOIS Fancy Lousonals 8oiI ,or fry ra* I0 lbs. 29 Cocktaiil $o colorful end refreshing when ahilled aend served with 3 lozi. 0" BO lX Cookies short. co@is fruly es good as .ny made et loin. -Pn"1ut6Ud ced pink or cocoat.pimwh..ls4b>. ~33c *mned fruit,. â Pkg. of 80 9c or plo-, fast fruit, or liq, combimation Ifruit solad- A rich, rhoist, fasty peanut butter fluet has e Jistlmoflve levor. Dos mot "ding" end fmeulindes« nltely. oz 1 5C'6 doz. vorted 5 Large 22C NEW CASSAGE i, crispi green h.e<ls. New cab- 39 coosso350 O cly.3 b.1O ReadY t. jpop l in . pot and cook in no time-tfray- Or if y.u dhoiose you muOY buy *hem2 IN THE PODSO. t- l1b.. Lifetinue Lima e Ban SIslers on Sale for 25c RADISHES or GREEN MNONS. I Crisp and fresh-The onions are lie pearls and pes- IL.6 -ripe and reedy to 2 for 29C REUTS or NEW have plenfy of green tops -the turnipi are on the we.kIy menu- TURNIPS. SLICID BACON. Broil. frizzle or, anJ are sweet serve with calves' liv.--- 1 item tb.59 y' andII .plEg. 1 1 MAY 19P 1938 i3