ly y Mar. and Mus. . rthzur Young- berg in, Noewray and Sweden. Miss Jean Burpree as Mme. Lazare. «ill bead the cast of the operetta. In the .s'upporting cast will be the fol- .Mm .Goidore ..Mai-joicRennacker Bes. Goldore ..*....... Betty WillIamis Jasckie Goldore ... . Cythera Guthridge Swedioh: Maid ...... Ma-v Lamb Frtclirnads....EveynJackobsen. Nancy Larson Chorus Mel--Mai-get Brenehley, .Ann Bowen. Patricia Buck. Betty Carl son. Doris Carlson. Joan Duncan. Bar- bar-a ,Davidoon. Cie io r g i n e Gruh= Bali-Wilson Photo Fyances CGuthridg7e. Jan Heers. Anne lAne. Phoebe, Macain. Chai-ene Main. Tuo Dat4.scs. Bob (frt) and Jack, jCons Mfae Vamnaëh. Eli»sbeth Mars- 1 rt- ihers on this year's varsity* ;Nyla Beth Tates. and Marjwonie Young- bose'baIi teom ut Yeu, Trier Towni- berg. skif' ihschool. Mis.s Lydia KOch. organist. wilb the directto-r of music. and Mri.! (.ieorge Lamb. stag-e director. assisted Afifounce MarTici «e of ~by ohn~aflv. uth Swanson, May'7 Mr. and Mrs. Youngberg. who are imember-. of the church. will sholtN Mr, and Mrs. John -Swanson an- colored motion pictures taken bv nounee the inarriage of their young- them last summer on an extendeà est daughter. Ruth. to WiI1ard Kel- Itour of Sweden and Norwav. 1er. son of MN.r and M.\rs. Fred Kel- A SmorgasboI>rd luncheon NwiU uc 1er of Milwaukee. Ais., on Saturday, servetd iolowning the1 prç'grani. wib May- 7. The wedding ceretnony took Mrz, L'Ilian Herrens in hag e p ataithe home of. the bride's par- ______________entsZ. 6:,, Meiroze avenue. Kenilworth, RETURNS FRUmo Y _ ST ýat 4:30 & ocik and was followed bv Venekiasen wiii preiorm the cere- mony. It is to take place at 2 o'clock, and will be followed by a -réception at the, Cascades hotel. Miss Amti Shoeniaker is to be ber aunt's onfiy wedding attendant, and Miss Josephine Shoemaker, also a niece, .is to play the wedding mia rcb.. D r. Grant Otis of Jackson wilI be Mr. Otis' best mian. The bride and bridegroomn are'.post- poning their wedding trip to Seattle and the West until August, and after the wedding will take only a short motor trip through the iast and South.* After June 15, they wilI be at home in the Linden Crest apartments at 512 Fifth street, Wilmette. The bride wals the guest of honor at a kitchen sbower given for. her by the Wilmette Gir, Sout leaders' on May 4, and the following Satur- day was ente rtained at a tes and misceilaneous shower by Miss Ruth ,Blennett and Miss Florence Marcel at Miss Bennett's home in Wilmette. *In February Mr. and Mrs. Vene- kiasen gave a linen shower for Miss Busby. Among the guests were the members of the church choir. Este s av- jPut ijour insuranoe Pnds this