'i- h Three aluni of New T rier TownsçhiP High school have, re- .Cently achieved h:gh distinctions ai their var ions t»iversities. Jamest Liýghtbody, (uf>per leji) Ne~w Trier e36 and Harvard '40 recently wolt the quarter mile event in a Yole- Harvmrd Irack mneet. Warren J. Meyers (upper right>, and Donald Scarn (lower right), New, Trier '37 and M. I. T. '41 have been isaned as staff meumbe rs.of the Tech Eiîgi- iteering N'ews, published ai the MassachusettsIsJstitiste of Tech- "Successful Pevson" Is Temple Sermon Theme Rabbi Charles É. Shuhinan of, the Nprth Shore Cçongregation Israel has $200 in Cash for the Winners 1 a