576 ftsfl street, Winneuca, LChicago attorney and former- justice of the Illinois appelate' court, and Thomnas L.,1Hughes, 187 Forest street, Winù- netka, executive of the- Lehigh Port- land Cernent company. Those recciving the awards, which are on a four-year basis, are: Edward E. Bartley' 2415 Colfax street, Evans- ton; Fred Emerson, 2208 Asbury ave- nue, Evanston, and Robert A. Hay-1 den, 1106 Seward street, Evanston. AIl three will enter Washington and Jefferson next September. The North Shore is largely repre- 3ented among the College's alumni and also is home of the oldest living ýWashington and Jefferson alumnus, Reverenrl W. W.Anderson.n 719 Park companist, Rhoda Tanner as studentI director.of "0 Sole Mio2L.-'and Doro- thy Rose, who wilI ýing the 'solo partI in ",Swing Low, .Sweet Chariot." Part: two will inchide a group of. three two-piaiio numbers played by members of' Miss Edith Vivian's school piano groups. SPart three will be sung by the girls' glee club, the boys' gîce club, and the coiubined clubs of 220 miem- bers. These organizations are directed by. Miss Agnes Clark. The students assisting in special ways are; Betty Jean Moulding and Wiiliamù Turgeon as accompanists, John Redding 'and Richar-d Boyd in special vocal- parts.t The program follows: WhIere God Hath Waiked....Mehul marLuJ tfflC*, flllO s ti8onzai, »a. jý Greigg, ElizÉbeth Greigg, Marily.n Gross-. berg. Mary -Louise Hall, Rosemnary HaIll- dorson, Frances Hamnilton, Dorathea Harnmonid, Jeanne Hancock, Barbara, H annen, Murie~l Hanson,. Jean Haugs-, ness, Edde Henderson, Nanette Herbu- veaux, Carol Hermansen, Jane Hlggi- bottom, Nancy Hillils Jean Himmel, Carolyn Hirsch, Judith Hodges, E-sther- Ilben, Barbara Holway, Virginla Ives. Florence Janaes,, Laura Jenness, Florice Jones, Barbara 'KoIlb, Rosemarie Kuhn, Mary Lanmb, Sue~ Lamprey, Nancy 1Larson, Elfrleda Lau, Audrey Lawrenee, Sally Llghtner. Mary Anti Macean, Phoebe MacLean, Betty' Mahannah, Mary Mallzio, Mary Helen Marmaduke, FrancesMcC4ndlsh-È Charlotte McConnel*l, Patricia McDer- moett, Ruth Mechior, Francees Métzgeir, Louise Meyer, Patriciaa Meyers, Paula Miller, Dolores Malniquist, Mona Morris, Marjorie Mortensen, fletty Jeanne Mould1ng. Mary ILon Ollar. FPanees. set thefine cooeratioti Detween borne.economists aware of the wom- an's point of view and engineers Who are concerned with the mechanics of production. ECOMOrnY of Operation New economy of operation is. ob-.. tainedl by iffproved insulation and refrigerating.mechanism. Profiting by niany 'years'of- experience, manu fac. turers have simfplified design of ma- chinery to a point where current con- sumption is at a minimum, and, long. life of the mechanism is assured.. In, addition te basic improvements in constructionand operat:i .on, new re- frigerators are equiîpped ,with a host of useful conveniences. Doors open at a tôtuch o fthe lever. Shelves are made to slide out se that ihteriors r You Walk........ ... Haydn, Sweet Chariot. Spiritual ... . . . .. . . . .Italian oie..............English own Bear. . . Mara-Zucca 'ayer front "Hansel .l . ...HunijJerdinck Boys' Choir II ...Noszkowski .[15.... . . .. . .. . .51ý- R s The Sntiw Storm ............... Rb£ SGirls' Glee Club Pop! Goes the Weasel ....... Schae Combined Glee Clubs Conirade of thue Road... -...... WII Confield Melodies. Arr. by RIqg Boys' Glee Club The Linden Tree............. Schtul May Time ................... Q l eae .AC I uiity baskets ior eggs, c, ontainers for ice water, érisping Y, pans, meat containers. ie qIce1cubes can be frozen more ri.quckl 'and in greater quantities. a Simple but effective devices quickly irelease, ice cubes from the freezing Strays. 1, i.uzar, oyard Devli 'owd, Robez erMrs. Edward C. Hildreth of 2006 ýy, Beechwood avenue spent the week- LM end in Beloit and Rockford, visiting rwith friends. J4 UCY1,. Xla