Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1938, p. 4

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CUT u OLDE~~u~CREAN BATAU l8aUsTY[ 221rb. AVERAGE FRYINC CHUCKENS SIRLOUN ROAST. No. 2 Po.tins. EACH 79c B.35c 24'h lb. sock for the auxfliary. *It was suggested by Commander and- worn a gain oni Meinorial day. .The Huerter post of the Amei- cane Legion. and the auxiliary unit. *ive next Monday. joseph Coný- rad is post commander and Mrs. 'Beatrice Bleser is president of -he auxiliary. Red-HwI*"~d Colored *The '.\adsen boy, together with Herbent Leggett, 16 of 231 Church road, were riding t heir bikes north.onq Green Bay, road we the accident, occurred. Ma s. wheel was hit fin the 'reaër by the automobile. and the.ýboy wa, thrown -47 f eet. : He Was picked up byý Leggett and by Joe Del R., Evangalista' and rushed- to the Ev- anston hospital where he died, shortly after. At- a cononer's inquest held.- on Mônday morn iùg at. the hospital it- wvas found that the. collision %yas 'ac- c ideital. .1W omanlIdentified by * Had Rtôfte reort ec 17 Suburban Victimns wi 1mete ýo1keé, both bicycles were LilianJohson th re-haredol-equipped with *the reflecting buttons .ore .wan ohnomth Cdhiag ot- eqiiired by Wilm'ette. and IWinnetika mardew a odIn bv oCig who village ondinances, but Mr. Andrew- madea god lvinz bYworinghalf- son claimed that he did flot see them. da5 r. lPtc i uubn'oe n then walking off %vith family jewelrv a nine-inch curb onte the property and silverware. was picked UP in' Chi- of the North Western .railwav. *was cagoon aturay.held by W\ilmnette police, and his .A Aear ago. when she wore black case is-to be heard by Police Mag- hain and called 'henself Ruth Jones, istrate John J. Peters. she took $1.366 in cash and jewelr-v Furieral services for the Madsen from the. home of -Mrs. Charles 'boy' were conducted on Wednesday Russo. 526 'Sixth street, Wilmette, afterrnoon by the Rev. ?'MelvÎn M." after working a half-day. Seguine at the Bruecks chape] in A week ~ aLo last Fridav she an- Hubbard Woods. Bunial was at fôr an 1$300 * * * *40 oz. pkg. 29.* a uw a sg NtS .*iaib . 8.oz.,pko. 9c 02 23Aoz. pkgs. 39c * ' tiv s3wuu ho'eIUI at noon that she w., sweep the sidewalk swePt $300 in mon, ,rs LU' war Ci .III n . Spractices, and directe e tickets if necessary. it un- ýe to sne annouancedi_________ s going out te but, instead,' Truck Driver Injured ,y and jewelrY in Skokie Blvd. Crash left. - She was Frank L.awrence o<f Fvans'ton was TEnir.., Fr,., Sol. £r6~ tW'tVEGETABLES

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