818 Ed lrnS. blek 9?LTNI-Itc LA.DY WiTu PILFASmQ PERSONAL- tty,. ambitions, willng to learn. Sales exp.prof. Good bicorne, steadY work, lth oprtuwity for advancement. Ad- dreas -190, Box, 60, Wilmette, 111. 97LTN2-ltl> GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND c ookng. No laundry. Time off Sun- day afternoon dinner until 4:00 Mon- dlay. Four adults. Giehcoe 210. > 97LTNItp Generaj Maid, White Exporienced. G.ood references. Cali Kenllworth 1805. 97ILTN2-Itc Part-time Stenographer WIJO KNOWS GRZGG SHORTHANDI KECýINILWORTII,5273 ft7r!rT-1 t '37 LaSalle tour. sed... '34 Cad. 5p.sed.... '35 LaSalle 5 sed.... '36 Packard 120 c. sed., '37 Packard 120 sed. '35 Packard 1203 sed. '35 Buick tr. cpe. '36 Ford tr. sed. '34 Stude. tr. e. ... 111 Rdgo Av#e. WU. 056, Wl. 1928 CUSTOM I3UILT 7 PASE Packard,'sedan. Cosl $5100, 59,00 mles good for another miles. EIxpetiy maintained and' cllent cond. Best offer. Winnetlà 425 545 715 845 675 495 395 315 or eV, Ave., AVAII 1 SERVE GOOD F00»D. Wilmette 4151 12ILTN1-41 129 FOR ENT-APAUTUEWT 425 Grove, Street 8 Rooms, .4 Baths AVAILABLE JUNE 1ST. MOST desirabie apartment on North8 hore in beautiful Raymond Park, ovor- looking Lake Michigan. Abuùdant cioset spaco, woodburnink lireplaco.. Garage and elevator attendants. Itecroationi room and handball, 137 WID. 70 RNT-FPUON. HOUBSES WB ARE HAVING MANY CALLS FOR furnlshe4 houses for summer rentais. List youir home with us for Q'Uick re- suito. *City National Agency of Evanston 800 DavisSt. Grednleaf1410 137LTN2-Itp 140 FOR aEm>-ST@** * OffICES EXCELLE3NTLY LOCA.TUD WINNETKA STrORE Ayres Boal, 122, S. M"h., flrrfuon 1043 14OLTNS1.4tb 2-Room Offi FRON;TIrc. NG O-N WINNETKA 727 OR . Suite NIL' qu WHITE GIRL FOR G housework. 2 chfldren.. Own room. Winnetka 423. m Sunday 2:. 7E 1 y. SL Ai :o 6 I ~ar. !N-ltp 1j