EVANSTN:52 Dains St. WIN, TA 790' Elm, St. winrietka 2700 Brirg4te, 1855 HIGHLAND PARK: 5 A. St Jolins St. Wlnnetka 1802 Highland Park 1855 Open, for. Inspection 2316 CENTRAL' PARK AVENUE, ErVANSTON. Are ATTRACTrIVE* HOME Iz ]ENG- 11mb design of 8 rons, 2% baths, and finished pine paneled recreation, room. Lot 6OxiSO ft. icelyr wooded and ]and- scaped. C. A. H-emPhill & Associates, ArchItects Contractors ,Builder.q Evanston, Illinois Uni. 3840 147LTN2-ltc Ow~ner Moving to Another City WILI, SACRIFICFP CHAR'MING bQuse - large living room witb panelled wali and fireplace - very moer iItehen -. 1u,.gre bed-I -EASY garagi use, *v4 ýd on- on4, n1 1.Hel a home witn vnarm and.per- sonality, asic about this one. Mrs. *Hollister. »_ 1 1 : TrHE BILLS REALTY, Thé. 529 Davis St., Evanston Wil. 3740 EAST KENILWORTH THE ONLY 10, ROOM BRICK .house in Kénilworth under $32,*000 - bedrmài.,i 3 baths, htd. alp. poch er. porch overliooking gar- den, library 1% blockg to lake. In a choice location. This will flot I ast long! QUINLAN' & TYSON, Inc. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 177 147LTN2-ltp 4. Bdrmsg.,ý 2 Baths7-$13,500 ENGILISÙ BRICK, LOT 108X 135, two-car brick garage, Ist floor lav., o11l ht., modern baths, firepflace, library. Excellently located for schools and transp. -CaliforiM h)Intoie#nt. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evauiston Wil. 3740 Six ro 2-story,f Lot 5l 1026 Waukh MCGUIRU & ORR, Imc. I l 530 Davlig St., Evanstoui Ir Greenùeaf 1080 Wilmette 28 I0, 151LTN2-Itc SUNSET RIDGE ROAD (Between WillIow and Wlnnetka Ave.> Choice acre, (or more) sites. 111gb property adjoining beautiful new homes. Restricted.' Priced at. $3.000 an 'acire. BAUMANN-COOK 53Lincoln Avenue' Winnetka 3450, 151LTN2-ltc $1,200.00 DOWN WILL BUY A REAL lot bargain ln Winnetka - 60-foot frontage at $45 a foot, no specials, among, fine newv homnes-bal. due 6 mo.. and, year, 5 HILL-* STONE 6431 LbIcoln Ave., W lnnetka WlVnn. 1544 151LTN2-lte USED FRIGIDAIRES Reconditioned, Guaranteed V. J. BaILUN CO. Wlnnetka 908 1Y1LTNS1-4tc LINOLEUM P L O0O0iR S, OOUIftUf toe , afls. Visit our home show. Ilome nineering. W. C. Huggins. 15 Wlmette Ave. Wflmette 4490. 171LTN62-4tp PLAT Top, GEORGIA N DESKO $1M Kenilworth 4306 INDIAN1 8OX167i BEST BUY . 6 rooms: porches, nie neighborhoodi bqs line. WIlI CitilI Mrs. Curr hse. $l6,500. ýWooded:Cr e ek: 'arm $ 7,200. i. ood bldgs. Produc- $12,000. tret, ChicagoI y16CLTN2-lte to l