FEET' .0-s eamw NO matter wbat foot trouble may thied, scing fet, Meu o arch, rheumatic-like foot and log pains, ME -coa or caUoluue-Dr. mm Uchol han develapod a aciotiic mreief for it. W. specialize in Dr. Sebou,$ Foot Clocaoet Romodies amdà%pplianm. If your fot hMr came in for a FroeeDomo..ratia TAYLORSý UI. &tu&- IIntermTent tool Park cemetery. place at. Miss Louise, Lovèdale . Suinmmoned by Death' Funeral services for Miss Louise K. Lovedale, 42 Kenilworth avenue,, Kenilworth, who passed away on Sat- urday,. May 14, were held on Monday: after noon at her home. Miss Lovre dale's deatb followed an extended ill- ness.t She is survived'by her sister, Mary H. Loyedale. Dr. Herbert L. Willett of the Ken- ilworth Union church officiatecd at the. funeral .services, and interment* took, place. at the Graceland cemetery.- S. E eemanSuif ers> Broken>Arm gi Freak> Accident in Virginia S.. e. Leemùa, 1004 Lake, avenue, Wilmette, enroute to view the restor- ation at. Williamsbuirg,,Va., suffered a broken left aàrm, at the shoulder, when he fell headlong while leaving an- old church he. was visiting ai famestown. Va.. earlv this montb. ê The above'desig&, submitte d by C. P. Ijazelet, 370 Wintnetka aVé- *nue,, Indian Hill, wott firit Prize M. a coittest,'s-ponsored by, the Amnr- cmi Institute of Steel Constructioli for a plan of air- elevated hi'ghwoyU-t to relieve congestion and to se' the flow of traffic thro,gh et.soly Po0pilated cities. *Leading architects of the. United Stateg ando several foreign nationls joined in submnitting ideas. The 'plan, above provides for the complete physi- cal separation of strearns of traffic iiioy- MQDEL AIRPLANES RAILWAYS GAS ENGINES BOATS OUTBOARD MOTORS k U1 h i in the- E msburg,. tnf SeV car, to objectiv Lues hs itin Richmond wnere hie siince. has been under the care of Dr. James T, Tijcler, a bone spe- cialist. Stèady improvernent in his conidi- tioni has made it possible to brinig Mr. Leeman home this week. The ailing arm wilI, however, remain iii a cast for 2h u ,n iy wo .-klfle