k YOUR MONEY . PU YeuR t4oe M OUR SEAUTY SCALE We give you more for- your money than you wilI find elsewhere - quality consd- ered. Our service is a personalized service-Work done in our salon must be correctly done. We are. ju stty proud of our The program at the village hall. which, ini case of rain is to be trans ferred to the Wilmette theater, -will include an introduction., by Commian- der McCue. invccation by the Rev. Martin McNamara.- pastor ' of St.. Francis Xavier church, playing of the national antheni by the high school band, a welconie by Village President Harry C. Kinne, the prin'- cipal address by Minear T. Coburni, benediction bv the Rev, James T. Venekiasen, of the Eirst Presbyterian church, Taps and raising of the col- ors by the L-egion post, and "America" played by.thje. high school banld.,and Sung by',the audience. VISIT AT LAKESIDE Harry Kinne, Jr., and Robert Northup of 1324 Elrnwood avenue1 telephone canvass. Donations from Kenilworth, residents, and outsiders will be greatly appreciated, and chécks.may be sent to Mrs. Warren Hathaway, 324 Sterlin g road, Kenil- worth. The Girl Scout organization holds the same position of importance for girls that the Boy Scouts hold for the boys, according to the council. This was evidenit fromn the att-endance at the Girl Scout regional conference of the Great Lakes area at -the Palmer House on May Il and 12. Twelve hundred women r egistered for the opening of the coiiiere'.ce. will spend the Decoration day week- end at. Lakeside with a group of their friends. parK natuai a. lfll*Lfl* tir. . irn ta a- nounced that the series will con sist of nine concerts, beginning on W%ýed.- nesday evening, July 6,:and Continu- ing on .each sucicessive Wedn esday evening thereafter until completed., Negotiations between Wilmette, of- ficiais, represented by Village Presi-: dent Harry C., Kinine, and Alfr ed A. Kanberg, b4siness manager of the or- chestra organization, were brought toý a successful conclion this week, *advillagers will be pleased to know. that the conicerts which have been so successfuIlly given the..past two sum- mers, will again afford enjoyable en- tertaniment to the entire North> Shore this season.ý A. G. Stanten, 1014 Pontiac roaj, general chairman in charge of ar- rangmens, tates, that. heis iow ènigaged in selecting his assistipg committees, and expects to have thern ready for announcemnent next week. Mr. Stanten also points to several improvernents that will contribute to the pleasure and comfort of those attending the concerts. First of these. is the sheil, which will have a new wood to replace the canivas covering which was utilized, last vear.. There coiffure or lus?- a manicure. You wiIl qel more service for, your money in our estab- lishment. ...Make Your Appointinent Now * * It is the earnest desire of Wilrnette, according-to Chairman Stanten, to be host at these concerts to residents of the e ntire North Shore, from Ev- anston to Glericoe. As heretofore, there wiII be no admission 'charge. the entertainnient being free to al who enjoy orchestra music of the rare quaiity for. which the Illinois Symiony group has wonn ex Mr. H, Iavenlue, i atMaple vanmston. is ai