it bas a vital offeriîîg in the field of music to present its patrons, that in stag- ing the concerts as it does rigbt here Fon, the north shore, the- club. offers un- usual. advantages to, music loyvers. The cost to patrons, is extremely modest wben one considers the unexceiied ar- tistic value of the series. Coet us niodest Four concerts for $5, and $7 for re- served seats (neariy ail of the center section), ýis the price of the series, which, next season will.,present Rich-. ard Crooks,. celebrated tenor, in Oc- tober; Pinza and Margery Lawrence, Metropolitan Opera stars, in joint re- Citai: in November; Myra Hess, Eng-1 lish. pianist, and great ýfavorite witb Artist-Recital devotees, in January,,and,1 to close the series, Milstein in Febru-- ary. Qt.r advaliages the ommitte. lhld Out to subscribers are: tbe fact that ail * scats ini the auditorium are goôd scats; that superlative acoustics obtain; the * ability to hear and see such famous artists ini the close-at-hand intimacy of a srnall hall ; the nearness of tbat bail, saving at least one hour each way from' the time required for transportation to the City.,. Praise for Àtist Wh itman îias written.: "Of particular 'Interest to us, as rnem- bers of the Winnetka Alusie club, Was the Saturday matinee.. It was ail 'Wag- ner with Margery Lawrence singing ex- cerpts from the niighty Ring, "Brun- hî<a"The contract for lber appear- ance i the Artist-Recital series next fall having be signed long ago, we were most anxious to get a "pre-view." [t was completely satisfactory, 1 can ing luruzvrly oC- cupieçi by the Worthen dry goods: store. In addition to a complete u lne of dry -go o ds Mr.ý Zick said he wilI, also,,feature wom- en .s and ohildren's wear, mnen's and boys' furnishings. and sboes, ail of weil known makes. .. Zick -Mr. Zick bas been in business in Hubbard Woods for the past 16 ,yea rs, serving bis patrons tbroùgbout the North- Shore bigb grade mercban- dise. This policy is to be continued in, both stores, it is announced. earc ce e i ai inM ow'21.t with a Most unusuai -showing of fine woktches.,beautihal i lVe- war., and spaaIding gm, ibwe bave-conisiderably u in prie for this occasion.Y Select your graduation p resents now. Pay later witb our con- v'enient credit plan. TRADE IN your old »d obsolete watch for a bra.d new on.. $31ï00 to $10.00 ailowance OLD, GOLD AND SILVER taken in as part payment. We allow ïull value. director oft'the ttubbard Wo provement association. designer, living in the art colony ini Washington, D. C., takes advantage of ber name and enters a contest open to men only. She wins first prize, but; wben Mr. Holden cornes to give the check, to "Mr." Julian, there isn't any sucb person. Lee, and Paula and Crystai, two girls who siiare a~ studio with her. hn,,i, jewels weveucs.ago mette playyrigbt.