Busiiel 99c ORANGES, FIorida,very juicy 3 doz.,5 9c GRAPEFRUIT, Florida, Sedless5 for 19c PUAS, Frsah * *2 IIbs. 15c SPUNACH e e3ns14C STRINGLESS BIANS 2IL.13C 1 DYV ISheridan Rd. WII. 542 WETTI another, a smoked elk-skln bag, con- taining 6 iron and 3 wooden clubs, 10 golf balls, a mnalacca cane, and a stub- pencil once - presented to somne- one by. th e late FPirst National batik of Wilmnette. Value of the articles is placed at $25. Neither Mr. Tyler nor the police, whose aid he enlisted, have been able to discover who placed the articles in the closet. Nothing ini the \bouse had been disturbed. Mr. Ty r is holding the bag-until its owner ap- pears. ~ Next Week at Field, Museum 'The Frade tic the ces~iv. - g Hall of Living Races of ýic - Sculptures by M.\alvi'ît n (P. G. Daliwig, Lecturer). e resérvation must be nmade nday lecture-tours. day, Mày 30 - 3 p. n.-Holiday guide-lecture tour today. but M4useum open as usual f romi In Glencoe-the Adams Drug Coin- pany. The frames are being turned over to persons who otherwise.could.,llot afford, to Wear, g 1 a s s e s, the, metal, parts are sold to raise'funds for this organization's work in the aid. of the, blind, and ini sightsaving. Since the, collection.ofglasses was' begun the committee bas. been le- sieged with requests for glassecs f ronm school principals iin underprivileged communities and frorn scores of mi viduals. The prograrn of the coMnrittee for sight-saving and assisting the bîind continues sucb. varied projects as 1a, nodel sigbtsaving rooni, exariniatiolic. for children at ten public schools, witb giasses supplied whenever pa- rnsare unable to pay, ope rations, ~ho-Tptization andnedical care, cm- ployment, lectures, entertainmnenit for the blind, assistance in sellincr their wares. Ait annual event is a picnic for the blind of the city and tlicir es- corts at Jackson Park. Many persons on tbe north shore, the coinmnittee points ont, bave cye- glasses whose lenses are -no longer the proper prescription, and these lenses iiin any instances cati l)e fitted ropological, "botanical, ,geoiogical, 1L rK PAIEý A NO THER MEMORIA L DA Y Leach. J. I Ago." S ailud-