Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1938, p. 14

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rectoi' r's class for those Who wish or church iernbérship. wlli ' o'clock for a half-hour IreFaithful' Spirits ......... Brabrns * "Funeral March and Seiap~hlc chat.............. Gulmnant Introit: "Cast.Thy ýBurden, Upon the Lord".....edsob Vol'ever"1 .............. Rachmaninoft Offrtory Solo: "'t la Enougýl"' (EllJah)'.ý... .. . ......_'Mendelssohn .1:Mr. Howard eerhalter. Organ Postlude': "Hymn of iGloî'"Y*-. .'i The Church achool wiii nmeet Sunday tnorning at 9:30 o'clock. The High Sc'hool EpWdIrtlî leagie, meets Sunday evýeniflg at 6' o'clock. Theta: Upalilon Rho Invites aIl Young People above. ligh schoôl ag o .)meet wlth ,them Sunday even-in.q at 5-:.0 The folloWlng divisions N11111 meet to- day (Thursday): Il rat-'10a.m.-Mrs. Elmen. Daviesç, 521 Brier street, Kenilworth. Second-10 a.m.-Mrs. James G. Bal- ter. 801 FNret aveinue, Wilmett, -. Tbird-10 a.m.-Mrs. George N. Mur- dock, 2111 Blrehwood avenue. Fourth-10 a.n.-Mrs. R. W. H-ick- man, 1322 .Greenwood avenue. The Chorus choir Yneets for rehearsal tonlght (Thursday) at 8 o'ciock sharp ln the Junior room, under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. It Is important that al members be present anCi on tume throughout the remiaindor of the choir neasoix. On Fri ern dlstr sionary mneeting o'clock. made 'i mette 19 The.A, gilid wi ;oclety wiII have an aul-daY n this church , beginnlng at 10 .uncheon reservations rnay be ,h Mrs. B. Cý Davisan, WVil- 5. nuat Meeting of the Wonian's be dheld on. Thursday, June 2. itive cominittee wil I ineet at' lock,, and luncheon wiil be noon. Financial and other' re- be given at the 1 :30 mee-ting. as, visltors. Concluding;sssion will b 4beld on'Tues.day evening, May 31. The thirti'eth Annlversary of our rnin- Ister's ordination was signalized bY.thir- ty, red roses_ on hie puflpit last -SundaY. At the close of the service the 'ýntlre congregation came* forwvard -ind con- gratulated Dr. and Mfrs. Allison on thie coinipletion 'of these years, of semr <e. S.Jëhn's Lutheran., Wilmette and Park avenue,, J. H. Gockel,* pastor' SERVICES s P. -M.., this. eveing-Ascensiofl Day service. 9 :15 a. r.-First Sunday service. 9 :30. a. m.-Sunday schooland ýBibl e --lasses. 10,:55 a., m.-Suniday sehool ciass for children of three té five y-ears. Il a. in.-Second service. The Ascension' Day festival -Nill be o'r,ýe éu tfis e'aV*itïgl¶ tr 8 - «ltYk. Thé, order of service wil include: Prelude-Andante non troppo _ .Dubois Introt--Ye Men of Galllee........... *..........................."Slimauck Ofertry- The Lord .Ascended'. .Bacli The Sermon-'The Ioy of the -1scen- Sion".........Luke 24:49-53 Postlude-Cartege..............Dbois 'The order of service at il o'clock on Suflday ivili include the followingt Prelude.-"Hyniof <liory"....... Yon Itroit-"Hear, O Lord, WenIi 1Cry Mart-lia Guild, today, -3 p. ni. . supper, served ai 5 :30. Junior Wather league, Friday, tour of Chinatovvn; leave "L" station» at 5 :45. Ladies' Âid society, next Tbursday, at 1 p. ni. "The Lord ie good:; His niercy is ever- lasting; and His truih endureth to aI-I generations." Rsaim 100 :5. That' je the Lord whoin we invite you to -osi wlth 'us. Corne! sermion St 1 a. m Today (Thursday) le AsgCeneion Day. There. are Holy Communion servieq at 7. 8 and il a. ni. The North cirçie of 'th <uifià, Meets tomorrow at the home Of L%Irs. William ,Moore, 1221 Lake avenue. The , Mest circle wili meet ait the homne.-nf NMcc . .Haines, 1745")4I-ghland avenue. English -Lutheran' Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House of Worshlp" Trhe Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SUNDAY S'ERVI[CFS Church -sehool............9,:45 a.n. Morning Worship............. ila.m junior Luther league-..... .p. . Tiie music for the Service oforship next Suniday norning is as foliOws: Organ Prelude-Fountain Reverie .... Antlhem,-Gi'aciouS L iord of ail Our Beng...... ....... B;-. The Senior Choir Song-He Leadeth 'Me....... Bradbury' The Junior Choir Posthde-'i.ift Up Your Heads" .. . *,*****,.Handel-Guilmnant * ictoria Meïd-.%iniistry of 'Music Clïurch school' convene- on Sunday morning at 9 :45 o'clock. Thiere are classes for ail ages. We invite yot± to cone and learii with us. Attend our" service. of worship flext euuual.îuual, îiIejJratiotLal qnt. üu unia fini- opportunity for C'hristiani fello\%- ship. Corne and enjoy themii On Wedne.s-day evenling, -Julie 1, ai S o'clock.. the Woman's society is giving a Strawberry social for' the nienbers and friends of the, cburcli. A very fine prograni las been arraiiged. Coie'! The \omiani'-ssociety Nvill t.,Idthi regular nonthly meeting ai the chiurch on Thursday afternoon, Julie 2, at 2. o'clock. The Tuxis club W'ill meet at 5 :30 o'clocktin the chapel. George Moore wili lead the' meeting, with 'the topic, ZDoes Popularty Pay?" Ail the Young eople of high school age are invited. The Boy: Scouts Witt meet MNonday eveniflg. Spoke No., 12 wili mneet with Nfrs. Chartes Moody, 7.00 Foresi avenue, for a 12:15 luncheon. Our midweek service will be held Wednesday, evening. at 8 o*clock ti-the chapel. The chapter for devot ion.and study wili be 'Iebrews 11. We invite you to loin us. The Chicago Presbyterian society wil mheet Friday. June 3, atilO'clocék at the ýLaGranePresbyteýrian chIurchl, 141- So. Catherine avenue, Latirange., Re- s ervations for the luncheon rnay, be made with Mý\rs. R. Hlic ie, .100î Thir- *Our communion and reception of new mnembers will be beld on Sunday niorn- ing, June 5, and severai -have signified their intention to join our church faiiy. *Our Childrens' Day exervises w-ill bë beld Sunday niorning, June 12, at 10 :10 o'clock, in a joint service of the Sunday schooi and the church. ( - hildren will be * baptîsed ai ibis service. Parents 'wlo plan to bring their children for baptisrn are recjuested to confer wiih the pastor. M~ornîîng wo)rsnîi--l a. ni. apaPi Plli-5 :30 1p,.ni, The 'sermion tôpie chost ri by Mr-. Hind- iey is "Memiories and Hlopes." The mor-ning music mill be as fidlows: Organ urelude-Meditation and EIegy ... . . . . . . . . . . . Borowski Anthieii-"Recessiotial»....... De Koven Offertoire Soo-'Glor-ia". . Buzzi-Peccia Carmnan Learn Organ Postlude-Chant for Dead Heroes ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . G aul lay> as fol tbs service. 1 'at Mrs. The Sundayr achool wil m eet at 9:45. The Sunday se In all dé-

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