of Nebraskca will deliver the com- mencement address at Nortbwestern unliversity's 8th- commencement ex- ercises to be beld at Dyche stadium, Saturday, june .11. The.Rev. Clifforc H. Newham'off.the C oveniant. Meth- odist church of Evanston %viIl delivci the baccalaureate sermon, Friday, June 10. 1ien'Patten gynasium. SDegrees ýwill be awarded to. 1,750, mnarking the largest graduatý ingase in the b.iàtory of the uni.versity. The commencement1 exer-cises will climax a, busy week of pre-graduation festiv- iÎties. A series of.clînics and alumni reunions* will be held by th e profes- sional schools of. dentistry,- law and medicine on- the Chicago campus throughiout the Week. Oth Anniversary The School of Speech m-ill observe its 6th anniversarv witb a two-dav celebration), Sunday,y and ,Monday, june 5 and 6. An open house will be* hekt ini the scbool of speech building Sunday aftertiooi and a dinner for undergraduates and alumni will be held Monday evening at the Evans- ton Woman's club. Following the baccalaureate serv- ices at Patteii gymnasium, Friday, june 10, the graduates of ail schools * wiIl participate ini the illumination Night exerciseson the campus mead- OW 0W; he seniors %vill be inducfrd Mýiss Vi_6la. Awe, sister of the bride and maid of honor, was in1 a ligbt blue georgette dre ss trimmed in*taf- 1 feta and. had a band of, blue fiowers ini ber, hair. .Another -sister, Missç rMabel'- Hoffman, the b ridesmnaid. wore georgette and a band of Pink flowers i01 ber bair. Botb carried Pink sweet peas, pink roses, and blue delphinium, Mr.. Hoffman had as bis best inan, bis 'brother, Marvini Hoffman. Earl Mfeyer. cousin, of the bride, served as usher. Followi g the service a reception for about. sixty friends and- relatives. wIAas held at the bride's homie. Mr. Hoffman bas taken bis bride on a miotor-trip to La Salle, 111. Their borne will be in Chicago. Petroileum Men -Wil .Attend St at e Meeting Five outstanding authorities in the petroleuini industry bave been secured as speakers for the first animal con- vention of petroleum retaiters in Quincy, Ill., on Tuesday, WNednesday and Tbursday, July 12, 13 and 14. The local group, the North Shore Gasoline Retailers association, is affiliated with il-. -,1 .% - S . w BROULERS Wapsa. Valley Freih Drusaed. RINSCHICKENS Lb .8c.....m ...... . LOWiEsT PRucES EVIRlt ON HORMELIS FLAVOR- SEALED HAM Prme Short ilS of SUIF lb.......... .. POT ROAST Prime Beef. Al Seleeted Cutf3, lb.- 2 : HAMt Home ]Baked, Who le or Hlf, lb ....... 45c LEG OP LAMB Finest qualIty, Genulue 8pring Lamb a t.î9ibs. average VEAL ROAST Boneless RoI .led. No. Boln e, No 29 W aste, lb... .. .. .. POCKET VEAL ROAST i7 Fine for stuffing, lb.17 LAMB ROAST BoueIess Rolle&~ No Bonc. 7, No W.ste. Lb ..... of Priaei Beef, fufly &te&. exercseUlo. mturdaj~y. ' ie ~prograni i iii: .1c %vill. start with the alumni parade National Assoc f romi University hall to. the lake Retailers, will ai front grove north of the 'gymnasinin Tuesday. A sp where luncheon will be served. Dr. western universit Franklyn Bliss Snyder, dean of facul- of Commerce wil ties, will deliver the principal address Xednesday. Cho oit the meeting ivhich will follow the dising expert of luncheon.. corporation of Ir orne. ýve mlsz sLow,- Bowes rchan- l-Fast ZBuy Chase an Agi Same q aDfty reguIa r ue dloj 1. S