euoe of the rnost .enjoyable events on the colleg's socialý calendar. Dr., Ço. le Speaker Dr. Albert Buckner Coe of the First Congregational. church in Oak Park will be the speaker at the bac-ý calaureate services on Sunday, june I. He. will speak in Harrison Hall auditorium at 4 o'clock in the after- noon beforé an audience composed of the graduating class, their parents and friends, and the college faculty. On Tuesday afternoon, june 7, the entire, college will cancel academic and social engagements to entertain a group of children, f rom the Mary Crane Nursery school at Hull flouse and other Chicago neighborhood licuses, who wilI make their annual v~isit tot.he iclleize ,amni)usforann R. W. M. Photo The lOth apnuiversary of the founding of thte Eveni>îg Garden clusb o>' Wilmtette wasm',arked on Monday, of Iast u'eek by a >arty at the home ot. Mrst.,C. D. Ewer, the foiffder, ivho àis shIotwn cutti;ig the birthdoy cake wh1ich s/te made for t/he occasion~ Leit to right: Nàrs. Ewer. Nirs.j OPEN ON HOLIDAY ing c1ass ,will hold a spirited reunion party in Eyanston. This social event wi11 be t heý starter for .Saturda3l;s aluniniluncheon, ýregistera tion aid parade., Along. mitb the social. as- pects of the dav will. be -i drive for the Northwestern, universitv Founda- 'tic.n funci under the direction, of Laurence Buckmaste.r . "Wýe hope to bring about a cele- bration that will be continued in the years to corne," stated Frederick Kaumannis. chairman ofý the alumni, commission. "After graduation." he contin'ued, "the majority of stuidents tend >to drif t apart f romi their college contacts.ý We hbelieve that we cari e stablisb a> stronger bond betiween the members of the class of '37 than bas been brougbt about by. an%- other The take1 alio