Riacge Ave. u'umomcy announced that, although the west stand La ke end Ridg. Road, ik sold out, plenty of good reserved seats Cali WiImeft. 316. are stili available in the north and south Wilmtf.and ental pen, to general -admission. Cdali Wilimette 400 Senior vs. Bell Walter Senior, who won the Illinois JOY State tournament at Skokie last year, 194J CENTRAL ST. will meet Berkeley Bell of Austin, GEANS2M Texas, in the opening singles at 2 0110F SUEY.CEQW MEI5 wftk Pin& of Noodies 50C with plat et JUge ... Q75 EXTRA FINE, 110W NEIN WITHI FRE I SH08:Om5 'AND 5 OPen 10 9-m- t. 11:30 p.m. Baturdays Fred Perry the four divisions (younger boys, rgirls, older boys, older girls) deterynined before the young- ave for camps. Also to be played next two or three weekends are ier and child round robin tourn 1a- deneUci $2,600 toç m nal Induâ tiare. ('li teacners and cnwjdren wlii be frcert(, enjoy "a prograni lf exploration,.-Il- vestiîgation, and experimentation thaàt wvill include individual'and group i* terests of the children,"Mis 1Bakei* said. One- of the, most popular of Ithe elective courses.that wiIl be ýoffercdl at the Démonstration school wiIl he one in instrumental music- that will l'e given' under, the direction of'. David Dushkin 'of the Dushkin Scliool of Music -in Winnetka and MIiss Patricia, Berksôn. Childreni takin g thiS urse will l'e given the oportunit to learn how to bUild and plav:tlir olvn musical instruments. The readink laboratory where read- ing dificulties -of children are de- tected and overcome, vill bie open ail summer under thé direction of Dr,, Loui~se farwel Davis, Mrs. Sar.i. Loffler Bllack, and Miss Vivienne Ilp. Pre-sehool. teachers at the Denion- stration school during the summrrer will include: Miss Anne DeBlois, '<1- rector of kindergarten and primiar 'v education» at Evansville, Ind., MISS Rowena Hudson Winn, director of the nursery school at Smnith collegu. and MNiss Alida Shinn, formerly di-, reorf the nursery school at Mfiii.. Arong the grade teachers are i mates Civil Service rom-_________ nnounced open coMpetitiveP piI for the foîîowing posi .upl to Offer (pou Itry), various gzrades M usicale Friday ;00 a Year, Bureau Of Ani. Laura Helen Coupland and bier pupils Department of Agrieul- are inviting friencis and relatives to at- training, and research ex- tend an afternoon musicale to l'e given' ubStituted graduate ý,tudy e o0f anîial-enetie, YareFriday of this week a 'lc ttbe n, (Poultry p'atîioIogy), road, Wilmette. They will hear the I. $2,600 to 14 gCA - _ É1 -M eody in ean iddleon Betty Lou DeLeseaille Saturdayi Swuaysi BRICK C@NPUCTI@NEY rty in