of Mlçhigan. Expert iùstruc- Uj--- by coliptrauit«.ROSI.- frst i-un ini its..new dress on june 15, n.Screned, el.ctricuiîy the .36th anniversary of the inaugura- e fll mile wlde ady beach. tion- of the Century .service betweeni Editb PollittIIolt, Directo, Chicago and New Yobrk. Teix roomnette cars, neiwest type, Pencil Sets for sleeping accomnodation in railroading, >UATION of Chicago, City of Detroit, City of CleeladCitv of Buffalo.. Citv of HIFTS Toledo, Citv of Boston, Citv of Albany, =à I pencul seafe Citv of Indianiapolis, City of Day-tol,, ovan WabI.Evershar and City of Rochester. q rpA Peells if ol :e e-it ed HILLCREST g 6t 1 ence with Junior girls. Accredlted prep- NNON ration for HIgh School or Acadenxy. PEN harining home Ilfe free trom cIty dis- tratios.Music, IDancing. Dramatics. French. Sports. Convenent to Chicago. - - -- Il Catalog. SARAHI M. DAVISON, Box 4-A, to parents' confrontea wîrtu te prou- lem. of finding just the rigbt sort of camp for their children. Mrs. Leary. speaks and. Writes with authority. H ler more than 16: years' intimn'àte experience. with camps and scbools througbout the. country, tborougbly qualifies ber to give the most expert -advice. This service is off ered without cost or any other obligation ,to, every reader of this -news-mnagazine. Arrange by telephone 'for an ap- pointmnent with Mrs. Leary. Cali Wilm-ette 4300 or Wiinietka 2000- cali TODAY! Trail Riders Plan Hlistorie Jourriey >Mhe tVhe ban~fd ôf Ît-dôç*rèîifhus- iasts known as the Trait Riders of the Canadian. Rockies make their annual five-day ride from Banff this sumnmer, they will retrace ini part the historic route taken by Sir George .Simpson soIbis 'little emnperor" of thle Hud- f sos JBav company, on his fanxous pects in the camp chosen, (sec last week's article) which have to do with, hbea'lth, safety and expected accom- plisbment as limit- ed by the direction a n d personnel of the camp. We have pointed out thIle desirability, of knowing a great deal* about the director. before choosing. Our next step is to-choose the- c a mp which' gives your chi Idreni Bernie Photo exacily.wbat, they Marjorie Leary* need. This is an important considera- tion because camps are orgaiiized on such wildel,,3 divergeiit lines., .At one extreme is the informnai canoe or hiking trip for older boys wbich is a rough-.and-ready foriniOf pure adventurc. The boys are on their own resources and must have a great deal of knowledge of outdoor camp,- ing, cooking and living so that they are completely self-reliant. This formi of adventure is not to bc confused with the over-niglit hikes and canoe trips 'which are a part of the organ- Deer river and followed the Ghost ence. river, as will the Trail Riders on theii: The Other Extreme tnp ro Jul 29throgh ugus 2. At thxe other extremne is the camnp tripfroi jly 9 trouh Agus 2. for. litile children, small boys and, The Trail Riders of the Canadian smnall girls,. where safety is the first Rockies npow bas a membership in con sideration: where each da3's ac- excess of 1,200, scattered ail over the tivity mnust be carcfully. supervised, and each day's life carefu'lly plannied. world. 0 f these between 60 and 80 Such matters as eating habits and annually report for the yearly ride, periods for rest inust be closely wbich aims to reopen neglected his- iýàc,,