"Chuck" -Lauer, ncwly appointed athietic dire clor at Highland Park Igýh school; "Ditke" Childs, athletic director, New Trier High school, and "Uuzcle John" Nay, track coach, Newe Trier High school, giving final in- s tuctons for a long WInQe trip .t lhe -Otlomze GCamps in Cnaa. SCOIWeekly. rie nas <etermuined. upon a journalistic career. ýBermuda;. that velvety green beau- ty spot in the mnid- Atlantic, offers fresh fields for bicycle explorations to the American tourist. Here the levotees of pedal and wheel may view the coral islands on a series of bicycle tours-unimpeded by the honk of motor horns that beset 'the cycle tours on American highways. uake MNisWisconsm A4 FEW VýERY FINE WEL.L WOODED Iots, sheIviîbg saaa beâch; clcar, clean water;. good fishing; golf course adjacent; suitable for individual or group location; W.A. Kenneys Return Prom 9,000 Mile Trip Mr. and M.\rs. W. J. Kenney have j ust returned to their residence at 1045 Chestnut avenue, W\ilmiette, after an absence of three nionths, during which timie they traveled by auto a total di$- tance of 9,000 muiles, visiting 14 states pl ace, Mr. and Mrs. Kenney1 peculiar experience of. meeting1 Mrs. Robert Wolff and J. W. ears (M\rs. Wolff's father) ai bad Caverns, N. M., and the t' tics had the great pleasure of for their visit throughi the cru1 California,- to1 be far better th an ung *most points of înterest tllroughout geiieral reports of business conditions the. territory covered, and the whole ii the eastern portion of the United distance was traveled :without mishap States, so much so that the contrast of any kind and they returned mucb 1 ot only ini volume of business being inuproved in health, to such an extent, transacted, but in the genera! spirit of i.n faÉt, that they say southernu Cali- things, were particularly noticeable anal tonna seemis to bc calling themn for, agreèably so. at least their semi-permnanent residence. Democrats on Run a -~ X, UJXI.$848 Dixie MRS. EST