foothilis overiookingx Bayý and spectacular. Cijf. ilsports. Ex( rooms, and cottages iw without bath. Innerspring mattresses ti out. -Send for literature. EVIRET? M."'VALENTIN~ b Ephuoimn. WIs. ' Chicago office, 333 N. Michiganl G reenA. ativiies in. one of the most expertly Eagle supervised. and. completely equipped boys, camps in the territory. Icellenit Co>lege Trainedl Leadbers Hjotel Under. the guidance of college- trained Y. M. C. A. men, your boy with or will participate in. bealtbful swim- ieýOU ing, hiking, pony and horseback rid- rogh- ing arnd ail outdoor sports. Each boy is grouped witbin his age ,bracket to assure equal enjoym ent for ail, lE with Cabin Motbers in,-charge of the younger grotlps. Parents whose sons corne to Camp. Hastings are sure of a worry-free vacation. Their boys,will eat .de-* týqC licious, expertly prepared, foods un-. der dietetic direction. Modem ,,shower and toilet facilities witb bhealth and jack Fr ost Camp for Girls, from 10 years through high school age will open for, six -weeks on J une 30, con-- August 13.- Tbe camp is. tucked ,aw.ay. on the western: shores of big 'Round ýLake, eight -miles: east of Hayward, Wis., and is, directed by Mrs. Mary MacAdams of 726 Reba place, Evanston. The Jack Frost camp, founded and spon.sored by a Chicago physician and surgeon, is the baby, sister of the well-known Ja4ck, Frost, Lodge, which bas successfully served discerning North ýShore people for the past eight years. U nder the leadership of Mrs. -Mac- Adams-and ber assistant, Miss Alice' Hammner, the folloming activities are available at the camp: Water sport s-swimni ng, diVing, fisbing, life savitigtraiing. Land sports-badmninton, croquet, b)aselhàll, ,riding, tennis, horseshoe .pitchirig, golf, rifle shooting, jing pong, over-igh-lt camping trips, hiay rides. Other activities includ-nattureýstu- (lies, crafts, hiles, picntics, draimatics., dancing,;siiigilic. Motor to Iowa and to Fidiay, retuirn Tuesday, (Coaches) only ..$7 DEL LSgiaig ay2 19.20-6 day $36.80 trip through Iowa and to Prairie du Chien, Wýis., last week, where they visited. Mrs. i(lein's soni, Donald, and .Mrs, Krippe's son, Charles, both stu- dents at Campion High sclibol at Prairie du Chien. M'hile there .they stopped at the Villa Louis, the his- toric home of Col. Hiercules L. Dous-, man I wich is filled .with original furnisbings and unique paintings. -i Mr. and avenue. ANDERSON HOTEL. a nd COTTAG ES