Lesile L. Mathiàon (28), jireetor of Intermediate camp; boys'. -Program fdirec- tor and history teacher at Arden Shore School for Bays, unit director Camp rEcho, 1937, 3 years professignal studert atfGeorge Williams college. Jamnes D. Andelin (20), counselor and music'director; Srd year at -Anerivan ConserVatory of Muste. Piano teacher 2 years in. parent's studio;,8 y'ers ehar- acte r parts in radio b. r acastIng over VM1lBM. NB(, *WGN and, RCA, coun- selir 2 years at, Camp Giray and wvinner 10of 2nd placein National ('ellôo ontest, . years ago. :mý1 Everett A.- Bauman (22),1. eouniseir and nature *iQore;. junior . t Lawrencio coliege, Rhodes Sèéhlar, candidate,2 years counselor at Camp Echo. Fred Cords (20), counselor a nd water front director; Amnerican Red Croqs Llfe. Saving Examiner, 2-years c.ssitant swimming dIrector, Evanston 'Y., M. C. À.A. 5ý years member of 'Y. M. C. A. Lead- ers' club and now attending Georg-ei Williams coliege. camps and playgrounds. Oliver 'M. Woicott (20), counselor and beginners' swimming; Sophomore at N. .1 in as aScout camps, assistant Stanley O. Peterson (24), counselor aind aietir director; graduate of Sout ' enc(- in lack IHuis. Donald H. WoUett (19).. cindr instrueto, i tennisý ind bhsebal1:.3. ..f C'ollege News. 1.1 1Ed,(ward( Peaéork (18), rounselor and assistant canoeing instructor',) yars caprat ('amip Echo, one year junior <-ounselor. Freshm-in at Carleton col- lege. John ('linkunliroomner (23), truck driver for Canoe trips; -pecial counselot' At Camp Echo for three sumnmers. One vear at Camp Kilburn, the Watson-Oiie Y. 'M. (C. A. camp in the San Bernardino National Forest, Calif. Mrs.. Belle Conrad and assistant, that gave lier informationi and pleasure. Ail of these dreanis wére realized when Miss Davison founded. Hjllcrest in 1910. Some of, the North Shore patrons of'Hillcrest are: 1Mr. and Mrs.. John, P. Denison, High- land Park; Mr. and Mrs. George. Rich- ardson, Lake Forest; Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Mcflonnell,-,Evanston; Mr. and Mrs.: Franik B. Cries, Wilmette; Mr. and. Mrs. Roswell B. Swazey, Highland Park;. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Worel, Wil- mette;- H., C. Al len, Evanston ; Mr. and Mrm George M. Coale, Kenilworthi; Mr. and Mrs. H W. Weldi Winnetka, For Boys and Girls- 6 to 12- JuIy lat-August 26th,. Dfwrccor LETTIE L. JOUNSTON WANDA D. GREINEISEN Millae& arm School 717 Oreonwood Avenue Gleucoe 1( m2 A essage to Mohr and Fathr of big Round Lake- eight miles East of Hayward, is one of na- ture's m o st pictur- esque spots. Surround- ed by a magnificent wood, "Jack Fr o st camp for the girl who' wants something dîf- ferent. Yet o fTe r ing everything to be de- sired in outdoor sports, nature studies, drama- tics, etc., under the orne-