Lake Forest Academy, .ind roi mer ratn- letie director at Culver, wlill beaiu the G-eorge Ray of! the.e Avrey Ko,)nley school, Down ers 1Grove. y !Ircturn to hea d the Senior, camp for bis tentb yearat Koochjching. Other staff men whè) lviIi 1îQeId sepa-ý rate activities are: Rocky. Ham pton, . T. H. S. basketball and baseball, canoeing., Les Berger.n, teacher, V. Hi Minneapa- lis# nature. ninsie, camp) craf t. Art. Highlanlds, assistant inmin coch N 1.,swimmiflg.and siig Herb Simmion, -boxing instructor Lake *Forest Winter' club, box ing. ike Ryan, manual arts intrittor,. Nichols sehooil, vanston, jW rcamp * crafts. Harmon Vascuil, North West.-rfl Mili- tary Academy, rifle ranige. Lloyd LIýong, Skokie sch6 '1, W*tnnetka, crafts.prfsinln - Walter Anderson,.rf"io-li n dian lore, Indian lort-, camp owkingi, Bevan Jones, N. U., caYflp nW-a and çrchestra. Assistants andl a<ditional- staff art, as follows: *Jim Curry, N. U., assistant cô)unseléor, Jim Llddel, N. U., assistant counselor: Frank Young, N. U., :ussistant coun- *sellor; Don Gui'itz, N . U., assistant counsellor; Art Clijf, N. U., ,issistant counseilor; 'Morton Rayniond, U. of Ill., assistant counselor: ISim W\hite, Harvard, assistant colins&!or. 'Walter Kuhitmey, Yale, assisttant ecunselor; Jim Aubrey, Princeton, assistanut couil- ý -1 Q -111 N7 l Ail_ Outdoor Sports: horséback riding, swimming, diving. lile saing, tennis, canoeinqg, arche' . basebail and games, dgnding, tutoring, crait work. .ailunder inividud instruction. Expert SaiIis.glintraictiold. EXCELLENT FOOD -RËGIS tERED NURSE- Write for, Bookiet TRQORP WHOTEL. AND COTTAGES FISHA CREEK DoOR COU NTYWýISC.ONSIN. Opening June i 8th for the 75th consecutive seoson under Thorp ownership management. A distinctive family resort. Sport and recrea- hon, or t~ ~ qniI-fishirrg, swi- mîng, booting; golff tennishiking, fforseback' riding, etc. .... and all in the beautiful setting of northerni- Door County. Two hotel build- ings and 20 cottages. Select Clientele. Special monthly or season rates. Bookiet. SIOTiL. ST. tings for the diîversions they otaci- adding spacious open air dining and dancin g pavilions.and tiléd swimming poolis, to their smartest hotels; re- moving roofs. froni cinemaI theaters; building new golf, and country 71and tennis clubs; dressing up bathing l)eaçhes, and improving facilities for flshing, alligator hunts,. riding, hunt- ing, polo and other favored s"ports. 1~~ FLORIDA anston, back, field coach at Northvvest- 1,200 Learn to Swimn in High Sehool Pool- More than 1,200 iindividualsreceived instruction in swinmming last summer at Newv Trier High school pool it Nvas revealed this week as preparations Ler or oier. 0. G. Stoffregen, *1 Il iColmn w -