William Bertant Katz, 415 Wash- ington avenue, *Wilmete,- son of Mr; aý,d MArs. Siegmund Katz, has recèived sevraàl hoét ors of his lii9h scboMistic rating .altheUnzivcr-sit y of fIlin ois. -He wîil bc am.ong the senior;> graduating wi'th honors, and will.have his~ naine inscribed ont the bronze hoizor plaque. A1 student ini chemicai enginier'iig, lie has been elected to Sigma Xi for his research work in chemical engineer- iing, and has been made a member of Phi Kappa Phi, honor society ini the School of Engineering corresponding to Phi Beta Kappa ini the School of Liberal Arts. Mr. Katz is a graduate of New Trier Hàgh, school. Nect vear he,.plans to GLADYS.... HTGIIT1? PIERMANENT TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL For 1938ý 4COMPLETE NrlORMALý July 5th Through July l6th Jul'y l9th Through JuIy 3Oth August 2nd Through I 4atn ' - 77 z.Nuunu eir IMecca for Eager A ngIer Fishin' time ini Wisconsin is h' again! And this year finds thousaý of eager anglers trying out theirs on Wisconsin's 7,500 lakes and 10, miles of trout streams and geti their first taste of the year of r STU DENTS MAY ENTER MONDAY ANY WEEK TEACHERS' TWOhWEEK COURSE, WITH CERTIFICATE TEACHERS' ONE-WEEK COURSE, NO CERTIFICATE More than a COUR~ISES' August l3tb