AT8 Po me TORCOM 'BIOS0. 617 AVISST. EVANSTON $15,OOStock Oriental Rugs Must. Be Sold to Raise Cash MLL SîZiES -'ALL WBAVES - ML GNUN This is one of the most beautiful and best collections of Oriental DON'T MISS THIS SALE YOU MAY NEVER HAVE ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO CHOOSE FROM SUCE A 1FINE SELECTION-AT YOUR PRICE. "for 9g Mske e nyFie' Club diis year. Ei legos of the fliest liko Races .are scheduled for Mondas, but inasmuch as ,the.dredging is frot yet accomplisiied it is Iikely they wil l be 'postponed to later .in, the month. Pr itz Boytntoi',s star "Neo," in the harbor for -the. past -several days, had a ininor iishap. Sunday when a member, of the crew, had a, duniking to 'no iii effect. Last year's new 'Gem.iii,"-ownied by Sam and John T." Pirie, II, of theWi1rfetie Harbor,,fleet, bas been in the east since the star "interna- tioiials" on the Sound last fait. Lock-, wood M. Pirie's *"Twin 'Star," down, t Navy Pier,, grôoomed and glistening 1 )1 the summenr'sL serieS wiiI be sailed up to Wilmnette in the next few days. Th~e sk~ipper. of "Twin Star", bas kept in racing form the ' psf severaV inonths by dinghy racing, newest wrinkle iin yachting, where bis point standings invariably top the list. To enable star skippers to rac c Milwaukee's. new1y form~ed chapter of the International Star Ciass Yachit Racing association over juiy 4 when the Lake Michigan Yachting associa- Last Sunday's return dinghy regat-1 isailed at Chicago Yacht club byc cMnt standing went to \Voody Piriec rst, Mrs. Pauline Goltra second and rs. Lonni -Pearl, third. However iis was mere statistical scoring and e dinghy. crowd at Chicago Yacht over for part of the week butore mnak-, ing her way to Great Lakes basin.. Mr. Simpson îs. a member of the Waukeigan.1 Yacht club. Among last mhiinute entries. in the Memorial day cruise- to Milwaukee' sponsored bythe CruÎsilTg club of the Great Lakes, will be "Manitou Il.,"' owned by James R. Lowe of Grand Rapids, which wiill be sailed ý..ver f rom Black lake in time for -the start of .the race on Friday ight.. Tony Hermann's "Gloriant" of, Ra-' cine Yacht, club, Q boat will be on the starting line. Henry Babsoii'.- Mar.uffa, slated asý an ety wh sail *to theeast side of the lake instead to watch the progress of the n.ew Ci cago One Design yacht designed by Babsoni-Moller-Peterson syndicate. Chicago Yacht club -will open the seasoni officiallv with the first of thc. closed Series A races to be held for R's, tumilarens, stars atid eagies on. Mý\onday afteriioon. The first spring dance of the season wvill be hield at the clubhiouse on Friday, Jurie 3, ii- niounces Rayniond L. Greist, chair- mnt of the club en tertainrnent colii- ItwîiI be open the latter part of j une. A cI'ass of moths, a sporty and suc- cessful class in other parts of the country will be introduced this sea- son. GO TO WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, forrnerly of Wilmette, who have been the bouse guests of Dr. andi Mrs. George and ç on