staff 'of-the Children's M,%emorial 'hospîtal in Chi- is the t cago, Dr, Brennernann formerly lived in W~in- sented. netka and is now a resident. of Eývanst on. The objectiv-e of s Morr ison in thiý partÏicular show. was to bringj togerher pictures o'peop le, nost of them North Shore, residenrts, Who have a(chieved something of, note in various lunes of business, thepro- fessionàs and the -a rts- Unspirat ion al ïn claracter, the exhibit is of value not only for the artistic approach of 'its :photographer, but because of the importance of the men, and women represented ini the group. Usinig the mnediums of., texture, tone value, design, composition, and plasticism to express ber ' subject, j she -goes beyond the mere objectiv- ity of the science of photography ~an4 suiv~ es to atch 4hose suibtle qualities best cescribed under the wo-d-personality. Not a flattering photograph but an honest projec- tion of individuality is what one sees in these pictures. Mature peo- ple. mnost of them. their likenesses express years of character forma- tion, and an intellectual quality often startling and arresting.' North Shore Country Day school, program w ie- na-ve pre- ýacon, 23353 Cleveland avenue, umicago- For six years, under. the direction of Madi Bacon, supervisor of public schqol' music iti Glencoe and ý assistant atý Roycemore school in Evaniston, 6if- teen, singers have studied- and pre- sénted the va rlou.s types of the madrigal, ýthe threée, four, five and six part1 unaccomrpainied vocal music, which flourished during the Tudor, period. No rth* ,Shore memrbers of the group are Lucy Fairbank and Arthur *Johnstone of Winnletka and Mar- jorie Day of Wilmette., Porter Heaps of Evanston, the weII knoWn 'or- ganist, w mill participate in: the pro-, *grams, playing the Hamimond organ. The concerts are open to the public, and tickets may be purchased at-the door. The. program wvi11 include: >La4rigals Now Is the M,\onth of Maying......... . ý...,T. 'Morley Cone Away, Sweet Love, and Play Thee .. . T. Greaves Stay, Tinme, a WVhile Thy Flying1 . J. Dowland Con.strue 'My M\eaning . G. Farnaby Ye Nightingales,. So Pleasant and So Gay.. ......J. WiIbyE6 Motet, Chorales and Cantata Adoramus Te ..Palestrina .Nl Saviour. Why Should Agony Befali Thee?.. J. S. Bach Du Groisser Gott und Davids when1 competed in the near future. Supplementing the New Trier show are additiônal North Shore and Chi- cago scenes of much more than the ordinary pictorial value. Those.,whose. pictures appear in the New' Trier . exhibition, .include PreU[itLue adiFue in ý .1ý A Mide ndr.FJ.ue Ban A Min Port.rS. Bac Ayes Fnces d.GPerHaecWokSog Rcrer Fnumes l aleWikSn (Roe sersda h fnyo h guo e s) e a h fr o h Fan oud Cane ha an ote.................T Hum Note ....... Huan My D 'est ... Purceil Rtobert Hume ýk, One ...ýý.ýT. W eelkes 44 WILMVETTE LIFE My Df