gwven for %Iiss rjeanor Mary Grisamorei daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Grisamore,,411 Lake avenue, WiÎlmette, and william 1'Reginald Bayliss of Wýinnetka,.son of the late '-M1r. and -Mrs. joseph. Bayliss of Leicester, England, before their wedding on Saturday, June 18'. beganlastu Saturday, when Mrs. L. WiIlis Strong and 'Mrs. A. N. 1 Pagéeâetert-ained at a linen shoiver at Mrs.,,'s home in Ev-anston-. This .vas followed Sunday l'y a tea and cocktail party given by Nlr. and ifrs. G. Gale Robertson dif1Il1i2 Elm-, wood avenue, W 1ilmtte. Stili another large tea will be the party whic h M r s.. Carl Zippicth wiil give at lier home, 623 Forest avenue, Wilmette. on Saturday, May 28. Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, 318 Sterling road, Kenilworth, will entertain at a personal shower for the bride on Wednesday, June 1, and Saturday, june 4, Mrs. S. E. Le-eman, 1004 Lake avenue, Wilmette, wiIl be hostess at a kitchen shower. Mrs. G. W. Ditt- mar of Chicago will aiso give a shower for Miss Grisaniore. but the, g.. Wolff Piioto Moff ett Photo Of intsei< jtrestio Mr.- J. ndicoptt Badstreet, afth/e left, a>nd..Mrs. Robert McKisson, both Winnetkans, is the success of the Fortieth Annk'i-zer- sciry Gads Hill dantce which the Winnetka Board of Gads Hill centê'r is spon- soring with the collaboration of t/he Ezapistopt board Friday ez'ening, June 10, at .Skokie Coiitry. club. M rs. Brudstreet and Mrs. -IcKisson, active/y working intht/e interest of the annual dance, feed particularly close/y assoczated wzth t/he event, for t/zcy wvere the founders. of the iWinnetka Gads Hi/l board. Tlitir idea, conceiz'ed about six years aguo, was to forin a sntall informai sewing graup. WVith a feeli'ng of anzazentent they hav&e watt/ted. their 'brain child" grow. It lias iiozw become qgite si,-eable uitlt regular meetings condîucted witlt a business'iike The first of a series of %veeklv afternoon parties will h)e given on Friday, June-3, at 2 o'clock, when Mrs. Frank Rothing -.of 711 Linden avenue. opens.,ber home for' a bridge tea. The guests ,Will, be the niembers oft St. Francils ,Xavier Parish -wNho live on Linden aven ue, and their friends. There iwill ,be table prizes, as well as others, and those wl-ro do flot care to play cards %vill have the privilege of sewing on altar inens., .Mrs. Rothing wvil1 be assisted by' five of her rneighbors, Ms.Harry Kicin, -Mrs. Mathiasî Klein, Mrs. Eugenie.Ward, Mrs. Theodore Susen. and Nlrs.,Francis Thaie. The purpose. of these parties lis tco prom~ote sociability so tha~t the ie-w members of the parish mnay beconme acquainted, and to raise funds for the new St. Francis Xavier church. The committee planning the par- ties consists bf the pastor, the- Rev.. Martin M.\cNarniara, and represènt - atives fromf the various parish groups. MNrs. Robert Fonthami will represent the Wilmette Household of the Order of MNartha, Mrs.. James Reichmiann and Mrs. Guy Gladson will represent Miss Grisamore and Mr. Bayliss will be married at 8:30 o'clock in the eveningin the Wilniette Parish Meth- odist 1Èpiscopal church by the Rev. Amos Thornburg. A wedding recep- tion at the Grisamore home will fol- low the ceremony. Mrs. Gale Rober-, son has been chosen matron of honor, and serving as bridesrnaids will be Is Lauded for Singing a+ Ann Ar] The recent Luncheon to Close bor Festival 'Ledies Aid Meetings .May festival at Ami The Ladies' Aid and Missionar so - which has wonî high ciety of St. John's Lutheran church two \itinetka music will close its -activities for the year mette,. Mrs.'Cliarence Wi eland wti.. act as treasurer, Mrs.. Williami J. Spillane as secretary, and MNrs. Fran-ý cis Thale as chairman. E-ach week, notices for future par- ,ties in other. neighborhoods Yvill - I announced.ý 46' WILMIETTE LIFE. 46,