Mrs. St. Chrysostoin's clurch. in Chi- ca go., The Rev. Dudley S. Stark is io perforni thé ceremoény, and following there, will «be, a recep- tion at' Indian Hill, Couhtry club. ýMiss Burton, Who made ber debut at a dinner dance at Indian Hilli-Coun- try club ini 1935, is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Donald* W. 'Green of Minneiap-m olis, formerly of Glenicoe. The Greens. Will-be among' the wedding gueésts,, and their son. and daughiter ivili be in the weddingparty,. Doneth Amie Green as flower girl, and Glenn Rab- erts as an. usher. Mr.. and Mlrs. Charles Conrad 'of Tryon, N. C., Will also be here for the wedding. Only the twa famniliies will. witness the -ceremony.. and 'the réception. ta fôllow will be a small oie. Mr. and Mrs. Washburn Wastcoat are com- iîïg frotn Bostonl ffortteocaion and with tbem their daughter, JElizabeth, Who is to be onie of Miss 'Burton's five attendants. .Miss Julia Drake is to serve as maid of honor, and the other bridesmaids, are Miss Elizabeth Alexandre of New York, an assistant at 'Miss Burton's debut, and Miss Barbara Ginn of Cleveland, a scbaolniate of the bride. Mr. Wastcoat, bas chosen H. Prent- ice Browning of Chicago as bis best «I Y - - J . - lu -v a U. Mrs. Tberon Colton; Tuesday- 'E. L. Kammewrer, Ms Watts, Mrs. Colton: Wednesday, 0. M. Schantz, and Mrs. (GORHAM PLATE x1l Your .Weèek-DayDninneri 75c e% 0 el Luncheons, 50c ria May 27, 1938 Creamed Chlcken in Mashed PotE Frifed Deep Sen Boston ScalloPs rhog, mltwith r Lmcmeofl50e Lt0 Ring au Gratin ,,ith q'artar' Sauce Buttered Texas Green l3eans Chef's SPecl MiMxed Fresh Vegetable Salait wlth Chiffonade Drpsslng or H3ead Ljettuce Salad, French Dressinlg SPECIAL COLD ENTREE Hawa lan Frozen Fruit Salad Plate with Salted Almon Dressing and Hot Home-Made Roils Enaged Creaof fFres Frui Chllled Toi Roast Youi Brolled Fileto Baked Sirl BakedF rmit Julce h Clery Dressing ckerel. Tartar Sauce Dthered in Cream h Creole Sauce cago.