Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1938, p. 52

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* A large numnber of North Shore womnen, young and old, m-ill be going this week-end to the Centenarv, celebration of Moniticello college at Godfrey,, Ili.- The college, which -is the oldest. sçhool for..young womnen in the.Middle West, was founded in .1837, and openfed its ýfirst year On Avril 11,1838. Its founder, Captain Benjamin God- frey, a retired Cape' Cod sea captain, who had acquired a $izable fortune, wished: to invest a part of it in: edu-' cation for the daughters 'Of the pioneers of this new western country. * As a resuit of a fortunate meeting with Theron Baldwin, one of t he * famous Yale Band who came to the central west to foster education, Monticeilo Female seminary, as it was th*Ien, os4led, ws foudCn tral Illinois one hundred years ago was mostly wilderness'and the school was called by those who lacked vision * of the coming needs of this nem- country "'Godfrey's Folly." Among its alumnae are found the daughters of families old and prominent ini the history of Illinois. Monticello's growth and achievements are part of the history of the Middle West. On Sunday Dean Charles W. key of the University of Chicago deliver the Baccalaureate sermn the morning. In the afternoon H *kell house, the new student residei wiil be dedicated and ini the even President and ',rs. George Er, Rohrbough will receive the alun and guests.* *The Commencement and Convc J. D. Tolof Photo Mrs-. Geo)rge M1ilnor, a resideiil of Ken'ilzc'oetk, is ieimit fof'tte *Monticeilo Coilege Alimnae So- ciety. She will be anong the' group of North Shore alumpnae lcavzng Friday of this week on the Monti- cello Special for Godfrcy, Ill., for the thrce-day Cen tenarv celc- l'ration of the colle ge. the, oldest schoo! for jvoung iwoincit in thc Middle fWcçt. ,ilFriday, June 3, at the home of Mrs. Ili George Quinilan,. 211 Greenleàf ave- las ne, WiIniette. Mrs. W. A. Kendrick. icthe prograni chairnian, hias also ar- ning-'"foa rwi ragedforFrank Isel,a nurserymian to ana speak on "Roses."Assitng the hotess 'oc a- Oscar Hebel. Idv The comniittee ini charge of the at ieast two generations, and maybe more, from many north shore homes were present.. The second floor was given over to the guests who played bireIdge i n the tabie-filled lou nge and gallcry, danced to the tempting strains-of aii excellent. orchestra in th;'e d irnlv-lit ballroom and enjoyed games !*n the dining room. The hall,. with i ts tables 'of beau ti- fui prizes, was the :focus. of, the atm- etinof -interested crowds, eager to see the prizes -given out, and,' in addition to major prizes., every f oitr- some was awarded a table prize, "somethingnew" in card table ciover';. The size of the attenydance in its- self insured, the financial success ,of the project, and-the enjoyment of the mingling of many parishioners. ai their guests was proof of its soci;îi WeIIeslèy Circle Program The next meeting of the Nort!i Shore Wellesley circle takes place Wednesday afternoon, lune 1, at 2 :30 o'clock at the home of 'Mrs. Richard J. Loewenthal, 630 Wàaverly, road. Highland Park. The assistant hostesses are Mrs. Carl Holzh&eimer, Mrs, Stanley Wes- President The wedding gown of hand- made Lierre lace, fashioned many years ago for Mrs. Wil- *iam M. Packard. was vorni again.Saturday hv Mrs. -Pack- ard's granddaughiter, Helen May. Aldrich of ýWirnnetka. wlhen she became the b)ridle of 'William Hl. K<.,Bnnett, Jr. Ornamenting the back of the dress ivas a festoon of pe arls from the wedding dress of the bride.'s niother;- Mrs. Paul 1. Aldrich,., and orange blossons flrst worn bv MNrs. Aldrich held: in place ber daughter's iveif. This, .wasa double :affair. of tulle covered with an overveil of lace inatchi-ng the wedding gOwn. Lilies of the va,lley, white orchids, and white swveet peças were the bride'.s floniers. Miss Bettie Buckett of Evanston, the rnaid of honor.. vas in an emîiire gown of aqua blue m'arquisetie, Irbui- mhed with blue and yellow rihbons, and the bridesmaids were ini yellow mar- quisette. Ail the bride's attendants hiad coronets of flovvers %vith short veils niatching. their -gown-is. and car- ried bouquets of yeilow roses and lavender stock. The br id e s maid s were Mrs. Charles lelsenl of «r,%atiý;- ton, MNiss Bettv Bennett and Mý\ip. Betty Horsmnan of WVinn1etka. and the hride's sister-ini-la*w. Nfrs. Pauil P. niirof Keniltvorth., andi the bride's brteEdwin Aldrich. The gown worn by the bride's mother wvas of toast bro-wî marquis- cýtti,, with ecrul lace applique. She hiad a corsage of token roses and bine ir;-. The hrîdegroomi's rnother. Mrs. nVili -1 . K. Bennett of 579 Hill terrace, wore lavender orchids with a gown of wood violet chiffon. Dr. Charles Howard Taylor of the WILMETTE, LIFE:

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