Jack Hazelhurst Photo .I.noutv, social chi * events, ai poonf, ai lunte 5, * students. t n cnlargy houve it iquet, 0on luemni, fact daiy is a di to 7. "The Italian Mother" will be of r.vaimLuIL. the subject of a talk to be given by . Their guests includedM .on e rs ,Mrs. Menotti Nardi of Chicago. A,'-Jason F. Whitney, Mrs hli tn gradua te of the Univjersity . of -Bolog- . of New Yôrk, sister of Mrs. Whitney, na- in Italy, Mrs. Nardi has ben for and, Mrs. Ralph E. HeilmaPlwh several years teâcher of Italian and were the guests- of Mr.. and Mrs. head of the. romance language de-, Blackburn in their box at the festival., partment forý Crane Fligh school lii In the party at Westmorelafld'were Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kellogg, Mr. miss Olga Trevisa-1, lyric soprano, and Mrs. Richard Cooper, Jr., and daughter of Meastïo Vittorio Trevi- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pynchon. of, san, f a m o) u s Chicago City Opera Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Orville War- Company basso, and herseif success- wickç of I<enilworth, and Mr. and fui in concert work, will present a Mrs. Frank Hall of Wilniette. gru of charming Italian. songs., OZuestsof honor wil1 be Baron Tai- larico of the Italian conlsulate in. Chi- cago and r and, Mrs. Loris Gizzi, Supe Musicale popular Italian actors, visiting iii this, pe country as guest artists for radio 'The next in the series of musicales and theatrical work. Professiona~lly sponsored under a us p ic e s of the riel ail- To Acidress Alumnnae und- Miss Mary B. Poul w 1 the speaker for the Wisconsin *issued . to about 175 guests. NMay Biar- ron, mezzo soprano, the artist of the eveliflg, will entertain ill costumle. 'iii be the (i Alumnae eon meet- Luncheon Hostess Carlos Photo Mrs. J. R. Pershall of Glencoe is to bc one of the host gises at the b-aritt tz whi; o, riida, e.si»qg- lune 5, at the' Etanston Won?.ali's club, 7vill climax a doubie-anni ver- .ary day sponsored by the North- western University School of Speech Aliimnii club, for facuit y,. alumni, and students. Prof; J. L. Lardner. senior faculty inemnber, zvill speak for the faculty, Hope Sunners for. flhe alii. and Lezzv Sarett, poct, er center, one Init of iost active pr- dento is in the colin- cipally through Gray of Cleve- hitect and civic ýg tg the North Hold Office inu Gommna Phi hO Group . sebh's - c *of the Cathî- E Illinois, wilt S8, at St. Jo- ýette, with the 's society the z wiII convefle -WILMETTE LIFE, 56 vas or.gar fforts of the land! riiih-ý,wiii ý.ne a suii- -