iFdlirlnsuedl IVaiLe in Our IRE DA lE FIRUPIOOF WAREUISES STORACE 1723 mhasez Ave.. UNi. 9360 Wýimoe..I1332 WII..tI. 1332 hidden away in a cabin of the clitt s of Devon where they live on tbe spoils of wrecked sbips*. You wilI see, however thatunderfteath their hard andweheean exteriors b e a t softerhearts thanone might expect. In fact, Patch Eye' becomes almost as frightened and terrified in the =ors of the plot as his audience prbby.Will.ý He is very supersti- tious, melancholy, andalmost senti- mental at times. In fact, he would cruelly- stab a man, but grieve if he injured a sparrow. In contrast, the Duke is shrewd and calculating, and is the. kind of mani .who mgakes -one, just know that lie bas something up bis s-leeve. Moe Respectable Even though the Çaptain would be a frijzhtful man to meet socially or Bob Ciev, Mike liIII .Iim Wig Horten.,F eland John Rociger Sailors I Bill Steen rgiesorlDick Kahn Freneh Ernest Kelier Winnetka Cricket Club Opens Season; Wins First Cont est- Winnetka Cricket club opened its' season last Sunday with a corxvincing victory over River Forest, on the latter's groundi. Winnetka scored 124 runs, the chief scorers being Pat Joyce,. credited with 56; Trevor Williams, 37, and Ivor Williams, 14. River Forest was dismissed with 20 runs. this small total being. due Sw' visit the. "suniuwr home" of your f urs--Our MIW, uItV* aotdrn storcms vout, on the han, Haen Rupuing HOP, Stop &Bd *JuInP 1-wBunnel. Ni4chais; 2-Kramner, 1Ha- yen; S-Ki]rk1ey, Nichols; 4-.. Hadley, Wilmette; 5--W. F11 Wilmette. Running Broad Juuîp 1-Petersin, Haven; 2-A. Thompson, Wilmette; 3-Cowell, Haven; 4--W. Hill1, Wlmette; 5-MeKinney, Nichols. 50-Yard Dash 1-.-Peterson, Haven; 2-D. Best, WilI- mnette; -3-B.- Smith, Wilmette ; 4---R.ose, Nichois; 5-Harrison,' Niohols. 75-Yard lDash 1-.A. Thompson, Wllmette; 2---W. Hill, Wilmette * 3-Kramer, IHaveii;,4- McKinne, Niehois.; 5-Linquist, Nie.hols. 6W-Yard Hurdie 1-Ê. Smith,. Wilmette; 2--Goul d, Nichois; 3-A. Thompson, W11mette; 4-Weber, Haven;. 5-Jýohnson, Haven. Relay Race 1-Wilmette; 2-Nichols; 3-la.ve-. The ightweights and heavyweights of the sanie schools will hold a track meet tUiVs wèek Next week will see thé playground anxd recreation board softball leagues get under way in earnest. Wednes- day night will see the Shawnee In- dians, K of C, Beyrer Electric, Pandas, Tom Lynch Boosters, and the C.O.F. in action. The following lvipnday night will ansteau îie wI hVoot StnolOf, fUrS. woman, hanc litchen. and for the gani D STORE YOUI FUIS AT Last cm tune tellerà au 'arla' Iwees vsiting bis parents, -r.an Id Meg, a gypsy for-,~ Mrs. J. E. Barton of 2016 Thornwood certainly an eyé-full. I avenue. 20 years of age starts i uesciay iiignt with the OwIs, Ridge Runners, Uknow, and several un-namned teams ini the play. On Eriday night the Fumble league starts. The Wilmette Optimists, Wilmette American Legion, Wil- mette Rotary club, and the Winnetka Lions club along with several other Nancy Bercaw and Beverly Townshi> High .col she h reque., -which she hasn't timie1