MORTGAGg MONEY) ( il~nnouncement initerest to Proper ty owners, builders anid cnrctr AtLt*N t tIMThe ALLANCE M UANtW* E ZOMPf**Y. flOBIA.,I L,-LIô (Has allotted $600,000.O for investment each year in sound first mortgage loans on houses, apartments, and business properties in Cook, D uPage, and Lake Counties, to lbe selected byJ George T. Coonley, Loan Agent, 1580 Sherman Avenue, Evanston.' Good Loans will be made at41% and 5117 without any commission. Construction and refinan-.' cing loans are wanted. For construction' bans a fee of i½%ý7 will bé> chairged for services during construction of new *buildings tuiless mnore than 4 inspections -are required in 'which case $15.00 each will ie charged for additional trips. Interest will lie charged only fromn the time mon ey is paid out. ( Liberal prepayment privileges will be allowed.) Loans on existing ordinary stucco, frarne, or brick construction, if souind, will be granted where ( the remaining useful life of buildings is sufficient. security and properties are appropriate to their ) locations. ( Loans will lie m ade on income Properties, includ ing rented houises.) Torrens fidles will lie accepted., Surveys wiII not lie required on h9uses now built, except in k unusual cases.) Our desire is to serve applicants courteouslv, rapidly, and eficientfy at minimum expeilse- ini the GEOGETe C@ONLE î..' M. - - M 64 WILMETTE LIFE