'DER pai ýTI us rue4 thr tra isi bef BI of pai tiv' Col EC( This appeafing Nan tucket Colonial home, of six rooms, one and oe-haif baths, airieig porch anda atached. garage, lis one o0 ru f he oe !>ceiing' rected for sale at,3228, 3233 and 3235 Park place, iva>stonp by livbi 1. fluet:, 1160 Wililette aveu ne, Wilnette, designer and binIlder. The exterior is. ,cypress clapboard. LaeT oSuisi intedý -white with blue-rayshute 'he home 1is winter air-,coniditioned. anc 'Evanston. Arcade Bldg. insulated., KiIn dried tomber anid W G. Rggles and compan~ re it- eta fari lah aveben uedinig department. announices the lease trughout. The interior will be at- of two studios ini the Arcade Studios actively decorated and. the, bath -filn- building, formerIyý knôwni as the hed with colored tile. Completion bas Grover 'Arcade, Evanston; ollé to eiset for lune 10. George Law, who specializes iii floor coverings. and aniother to John te F. Bile.is on Doetsch, toývier of thle B. ald jD. Sigil rzte OflHanging company, which ]lias oper- Facrorsto C nsier aed 1i vanstoli for a period of in Pitrdrnsing Honu3- l'he Arcade Stutliôs' tuildiig i E. BenjminFranlinBils, cairiananston s mnost unique studio building tBenjairankfineBis, at1chaimnand lias been completely moderniïed. theboad o th Bus Ralt co- ts tenants nio%% consist of the ny wvith offices at 529 Davis street, aet r hp cititsPo ý«iito 'i lasw"Mtnajor actor a- tograph Studio, George Law Floor ;c article on Mjr atr to Coverings, B and D Signi Hanging minider in Buying a Homei," pub1- ýa' lied in the May 14 issue of The compam (l" Northxesterrn jeAelers. onioîflist, realtors' mnagazinie. Sev~en points, which Mr. Bills dis- usses following conferçes with A. M, Landaker of hiis Evasoo- ternai Factors ixnecting tne rHome -Itscif; NJatters of Importance in the Iîîterior of the Home.; Determiniîig the Amount of Needed Additional Expenditures, and Financial Carry and Contract of Purchase. The seven major consideration are broken 01) ito 67 detailed analyses and contaiti carefu[ studies of al* factors. to be considered by prudent home buyers. P4TRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS, t.ofri-