Ohier Lons et CSo.spondlngly Evanston Office 1671 Shennan Ave. Uni. 2600 M0 incoln Ave. WIn.tka 177 Chicego Office 1' 1 N. LaSalle St. Central 0227 INDIAN HILL Owners' Ropmesntative JWeIch the construction L. Morgan Yost, Wilrnette ar chi- tect, designecd this homne for Mrs. John C. McEwen, who nowu lives iit Evanston. The neu, home wilI be'buit on Park drive in Keail- ù-orth. Mtr. Yost, wbose office is in the Firs National Bank building, de'- scribes this,,bouse as a modern ver- sion of the Eigbteentb century Frenich manor bouse. The exterior brick will be a soft faIt brown witb larly interesting is the rectilinear en- trance witb tbe flanking shutters, relieved by the circle orna»e nts on tbe sbutters and in. the fan-ligbt. The borne wilI contain six good sized, rooms, breakfast nook, two baths, and a lavatory.. The, interior trim, casewôrk, and mantel bave been designed in the same- mode-rn Frencb feeling. The OWN A FPARM! J. B. Utley, Now Witk McHenry Çounty Land Co., Comments on *Acreage Investmcent Tr.end J. B., Utley,' a well know*n Evanis- tiaauihority on farm investmenits and estate properties, now beads the North Shore brandliof tbe McHenry County Land company, with new of- fices located at 627 Grove street, Ev- an§ton. The McHenry County Land coin- pany, w'hicb specializes in farms, acreage properties and estates, bas assisted a large North Sbore cîjéntele in the, selection of farnis and estates for a nuniber of vears and is tire- year,. and wve believe. sales for May thig ycar wvill, 6e ahead of those of a' year ago. "Theire has -been -a sliglbt dropping, off in t1he, sale Pf. vacant prôperty c onpared with the, records of a year ago, and about thé same ratio'of res:- denitial and apartment building sales. "We tblink the movement of prop- erty the last two. months. bas been exceptionally ençouraging." Announce- Sales Aniong. récent transactions n egoti- atdby ,Baird and Warner are listed the following i this. vicinity: Frank 'W. McCullock sold the 7- roomi residence at 241 .Church road, Winnetka, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -S. Driver. Bird e4'dýWearner,- repre- sented by R. D. Cunninghatm of the Evanston office, wer-e the brokers. Legal details were handled by W\. J. Powers, 139 N. Clark street, Chicago, acting on behaîf of the purchasers. Charles D. Roth sold the residence at 2213 Beechwood avenue, Wý\ilmette, to. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. [Lindblad. Baird and Warner, r'epresented by Mrs. V. M. Didriksen of the Evanston office, were the brokers. As Your Home Us Seing Bu~if... ----- ----andi the tendency on the part of busi- l.Uggies"a i êJlq e Chicago has a $10,246,00J larger base niess and professional men in townsus iPa of mortgage collateral for credit ex- and cities to buy farms, tbe "owni a .LJous D spi.ay t a -pansion than it- bad this turne last farin" trend is gaining momentuin About tbree weeks ago, W. G. Rug- Year, A. R.; Gardner, president, re- steaiy hs rprisaebultgsadco an pae a nqe portd tis eek.As ecuity or he o oe or the other of two reasons bouse display in the window of their supplementary funds. it provides to -for a safe form of investmnent or for attractive office at 517 Davis street, savings, building and loan, associa- the sake of owning land as an eco- Evanston, whicb bas caused consider- fions, the bank now uses 22,556 otnmcacp.Teei eln f becmet hsds:a os~t gages on Illinois and Wisconsin cnplri acoT here -s afeeling f bl cmmn . ThiC.-pla .&..