The division of waterways of the Illinois department of public works and buildings iast week awarded the contract for the work to the N. S. Mackie company of Chicago on a iow bid of $33,3o6.. An! additionai sum of $5,500. is be- ing raised by the Wilmette Harbor association to pýurchase materiais for. a retaining wall behind whichi the % poil area pumped out of the harbor * and its channel approach is to be dumped. Completed'By july 15 While the compa .ny,,under the con- tract, bas M0 days in which to com- plete the job, it was estimated that, g iven, favorable weather, the work wvouid be completed somnetime be- tenJuiy 4 and Juiy 15. The entire harbor will be dredged to a cepth of eigbt feet below water daturn, where the lake kvei at pres- enis, and a chanhel, pàralle wh the breakwater to the north of the harbor, will be dredged to an equal depth. from 256 to 150 feet wide, 500 feet out into the lake. Channel Buoys This channel will be niarked by buoys to be piaced, with the permis- sion of the United States War de- paltment, by the harbor association. Permission for the spooi area ha§ al- Staff Photo John A. ("'Daddy") Hood,'onu of. Wilmiette's two survtv&ng sInem-. ber of the ;Granid Armyofth Republic, who will 'be 96 years old soon, again did his bit for disabled veterans of the World war antd for their familiesj when ýhe Sold emioriai poppies iiear his -home at Six-th and Isabella streets, Monday. In the picture above he is shown with onie of bis customers, Mrs. Orville G. aily, cairmn of- Pppvy d4y activ- ities for the auxi liary unit of the Wil- mette post of the, American Legion. Mr. Hood plans to ride in Wilmette's Memorial 'day parade next Monday. Notbing is, missing fromn the Schultz homie. On the contrary, the missing .miaid's clothes and personal effects remiain,, and Mrs. Schultz. is very ýanxious to have the owner cali for them. Dr. rancisC.eStifler to Preach.Here Sunday Dr. Francis, Carr Stifler of- New York, formerly minister of- the Wl- m ette Baptist church, for miany years, wmill occupy -the puipit of the Wil- meétteý chuircb Sunday morning, 'May 29, at the 11 o'cloclc services. Dr.' Stifler's visit signalizes the1 con- ciding programn in the Silver Jubiiee observance of tbe Baptist congrega- tion, wbicb bas been in j>rogress for Dr. Stifler is now secretary of the American Bible society in New York City and enjoys a widé acquaintance throughout the ,North Shore area.. $1,300,000 in Taxes Collected by Hale; B3ooks Are Returned bilfit the> arbor as an intalce basin nounced that he had taken iin about for the North Shore drainage canal. $1,300,000 on both reai estate and personal property taxes, or about 37 Seasn's irstFishper cent of the total tax extensions. Seasn's irstFishThis, be said, compares to 41 per cent Story; and It's Truc coliected during the first period of Earl G. Gerlach, Chicago commer- collection last year. The books are cial photographer, startled himself now being balanced and returned to and the whole North Shore Sunday the office of the counity collector. by cat hinga 9 pound_2 ounce rain- Futre pavments of the first in- Iowing oficers were elected:_ Thomp- son M. Wakeley, president; Clayton B. Burch, vice-presidlent; Robert P Warren, secretary and treasurer. In addition to that the following direc- tors were elected: Leon T. Ellis, Leonard J. Paidar, Glenn «G. Paxton, and Julius ;%. Petersen. This 'meeting will be a "Parents* Nigbt," similar to the.-one beid la,;t Septemnber when the ýatendance num- bered about 400 mothers and fathers, who were intere'sted to see that John- nie, and Mary got -trted on'te-ý 09Mh foot.for the school year. These samne parents wlll now bave thl'e. opportunity to discusa with ,the teachers any proiblems* that bave arisen. during the year, and to iearin what progress bas been made. Dr. Paul J. Misner, superintendent of schpols in Glencoe, *will -be the speaker for - the. evening, and fol- lowing bis address, the parents will be invited to visit the rooms of their children. Music for the program will be furnished by the Stolp Glee clubs. IgulMlngs Open at 7:15 Arrangements have been made to bave the Central-Stolp. school build. ings open at 7:15 o'clock for general inspection of ail departments, in- cluding the cafeteria, manual training and domestic science rooms., Laurel school will 7 to 7:45 and parents f rom en at- in Bicycle Safety At a meeting of leaders of Boy Scouts from Wimette tdi Waukegan, and inciuding maîiy towns to tbewest, held at Wilmette village hail on May 19, it was decided to enlist the aid cf the Boy Scouts in promoting the campaign for safety of bicycle riders. It was pointed out that due to the 1club at 8c Wiltneti 4, R-i - ... pated. The Wilmette 1 a ,07 - - 1- -. was. 14,087.