14 7LTiiN3 ltc *'SIGN WITH CUSACK"I EXGL.ISH C O TT A GE TYPE painted white wlth, picket fence in very. convenient. location'. Living room, dininig room, kitchen, also toi. & lav. on lst floor. Three bed- rooms and two baths on 2 nd. floor. Large wooded -lot. Arch itect-owner anlxlous to leave town. 795 Elin St. Wvinnetka 715 Winnetka Rogers Park 2321 147LTN3-lte EAST WILMETTE ,white frame-in.fine shape. Ail large Yooms. 4 bdrms., new bath'on 2nd; mnaid's rn. & bath on 3rd; this is an outstaniling buy. Forced Bale at $11,500. EATKNILWQRTII fleutifu Engihbrick. Lge. 100-ft. cor. lot. 4 bdrnis., 3 batha. An ex- ceptional buy. Mortgage hoider willi sacrifice at $ 29,500. Make offer. EAST WINNETICA Bank receiver will liquidate fine brick. Could be painted white. 4 bdrrns., 1%/, baths. Not another like it at $12,500. ELMER E.* STULTS, Inc. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 147LTN3-ltc Small Country Home W1PzA T ý T .- P rec W. G.' RUGGLES & Co. 517 Davis St., Evanston Uni. 6886 Ilol. 6886 WIl. 1660 147LTN3-!te $101006. NEAR LAKE 8 ROOMS, 3 BATHRS Lot 100x200 ft.,- 2-car garage grand oid trees. One of thosecharming old Evanston homes; convenient to Davis St. section. On long' termn University ground lease. (No taices on land.») McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 530 Davis, St., ENanston Greenleaf, 1080 Wilmette 228 147LTN3-ltc WHEN YOU SEE TRIS ARTISTIC RESIDENCE, SURUOUND)- ed by large trees, evergree ns and shrubs, in a'beautiful esection of south Gl;enco e, you wiil realize that the price asked là unusuaiiy low. There are 7 Well. arranged rooms, 2 tule batha, Sun .porch YOU CAN'T DU PL I when. it's gone, in the Hill section. Charming, modern and livable. 4 bel sun rm., slp. poreh, delig rance porch overlooking tractive lawn and garden nearly haif an acre. Redt] ,9UINqLAN & TV NEW HOL~ 1i11nom 1. LtTN3-ltc WANTED MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE. :Wili trade equiiy in. house of il rooms, 3 baths, lot 80x230, 2-car ga- rage. Addreà;s B-193, Box 60, 1ilmette, lui FOR gSALE-.VACANT INIYIAN HILL, ESTATES W. C. HUJGGIN~S Owner's Ueprenentatlvt Watch the construction of our DEMONSTRATION HOME on ChiPpewa. Lane Administration Offie Irotiuois and Locust Roade 1150 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilrnette_4490 Beauti ful Lot EAST SIDE 0F KENILWORTH. LO- Cated ~ln foe etthé fifleit iiIocliÊ e Kenilworth 100x175. Among modern hou8es. woodu.. Out-nf-tw"LIN. w wil sacrifice.-. sideboard, $15 for all. EXCLUSIVE AET $5. Set Book House wi AGENTSOdd rockers, 75e to $2. McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. $1. Doîl basinnette, $1.1 530 Davis St., Evanston Reed baby carniage, $5, Greenleaf 1080 . Wilmette 228 151LTN3-ltc GREY BABY COACH-, -- 810. Ice box $2. Lt LESS THAN A BLOCRK FROM SI*ERI- casional table $1. Other dan Road, excep. choice vacant lot articles. 1730 Walnut, for loBs than $95 per foot. USED FRIGIDAIRES Reconditioned, Gutaranteed VJ. KILLIAN CO. Winnetka, 908 EVERYTHING IN OUR HOUSE AND gardon Is now offered for sale. Open to the public from 1 to 4 every day for a fortnight. Private sales at other. hours by appointment., 126 Mart.,ý N. E.,corner Sheridan ,Rd..,'Glencoe!417. 17L3-tp FINE: SET 0F'FRENCH HAVILAND CHINA. GOL H A ND L ES. 12 EACH OF CUPS AND ALL PLATES. ALSO GORHAM STERLING FLAT- WARE. 1149, Laurel Winnetka 758, 17lZTNS3-Itp 3-DOOR FRIGIDAIRE, 18 CUBIC FT. capaelty. Suitable for tavern uaê Prcd rea.sonably. V. J. KILLIAN & Co. Wlnnetka 908 171LTN3.ltc less thn cost on reason SMART & GOLI 1564 Shermnan Ave. 1 XVEST OF WIL-4 IN THE VERY CON'V estate section. Seven ro on 11/2 acres, beautifi scaped with shrubbery enniais. (Acdditional3 available if desired. Inc. ette 2486 [TN3-1tc TTE 523 Winnotka Ave. Attention: Sinil LOOKING FOR AN1 six room house tinder$ show you a white clapi with green shutters, on a fine trees H, W_ heat. ' Beaut INDIAN HILL 80x167. Pr Wiln & STONE ND HI mette 1644 Call Wilmett tiful lot in Clark Jewel G L ESTATES, WEST WT ORI riced reasonably. WITH OA1 mtte 1489 inek *151LTN3-ltp dl* T -. MV .d%.Tý ÉRIeATCI1NJ TP THO] rnusuai 6 rm. bung- 4I< fenced yard. Con- innetka 269.. 421 Richmi 147LTNS-ltp 5288 i Q. Greè-à B 3-ltc Winnetka M50, Bal ance alow. Venient . ,ers NS4-ltc ýi