JÂCOBSON-POWER L1AWN MOWER, godCondition,- will trade for teftrig- erator or washing machine.' Aima 2 fine Sarouk oriental, rugs, rose back- grou:d 4x7. Bargain price or will traodefor an automobile. Wilinette 986. 17 3L3-Itp Hanovia Alpine, Sun; Lamip HOME MODEL. VPR'Y CHEAP-$30 W.innetka 2473 173LT143lip LADIES' EDRESSES, SPiNGAND summer. Infants' clothei (new)i Sofa. Mirror,' lamnps, fernery, bedspreads, drapes, auto ýtrunk. Winnetka 1157. 173LTN3ltp MÂN1'S GOL~F CLU13S ýSlightly used. 8 irons, '3 woods. Rea- sonably priced. Cali Wiimette 1577. 173LTNS-ltp 2-Wheel Carry-Al_ Trailer man North Shore S Dent price. furi, brie-a mage, rmime. Junk. Wlnn traditional and brilliant Illumination -Nigit ônT'riday, June 10. Following thé baccalaureate address by ýthe Rey. Clifford H. Newham, , pastor "of the Covenant Methodist Episcopalchurch of Evanston, the graduating, class wl parade. across the campus, wearing their CaPs and gowns and carrying japanese lanterns. WilI Award Modal Reaching ýthe campus meadow, the class will march through the Alumni Arch, symbolic of their induction into the Alumni association. The cere- monies wiIl include the announcement of the name of the recipient of the Northwestern university Alumni Me- dal, awarded annually- "for dis- tinguished service toaima mâter.'" Previous winners. of the Alumni MUedal were President and Mrs. WVal- Parade, Luncheon Saturday ii Saturday alumni will regi then form for the annmal Par he Classes, which wiIl end on h campus, where the alu heon wihI lie served. In the Charles Deering Library garciens. ýT524P Candidates for honorary degrees and ,age their sponsors wilI be guests of honor. L, books, At 5:30 the eightieth annual com- 22 mencement w- ill begin in Dyche sta- 1TN52-4tP dium, whiere the 1,750 graduates wil .sbe o hear an address by Senator Edward, nsile..orR.Burke of Nebraska.' rsir ,cnatin, im..'w 1 .-.--- Jrý, 817 Hamilin.street,>Evaniston; facul- ty relations, Dr. Ralph'B. Dennis, dean of the Sehool of Speéiech; 'Associate Alumnae tea, Mrs. H1elen, Buehier Hart, 2230 For*st View road,, Evanston. SMusice, Glenn C. Balnum, 2342 Ridge avenue, Evanston; reunibn classes, Mrs. Marion Drew Waitley, 2315 Grey ave- nue, Evanston; seatIng arrangements, Mrs. Mary Forrest Brandriff, 485 WiI- 10w road, Winfletka - 50 Year class', Charles W. Ward, 2319 Hartrey avenue, Evanston, Mrs. Ruth -Wenter Cummnfs, 122 Keeiney street. Evanston, and Janice Hall, 34 Lindeni drive, Wlmette. Luncheon, French L., Eason, 604 Sheridan road, Evanston: professional ;school.s, Charles 0. Rundail, 1239 As- bury avenue, Evanston., SWatch for Canker I Worm Danger By J. F. Fonder An unusually widespread and heavy r infestation of Spring Canker worms is producing considerable damage to shade trees throughout the Chicago jarea. This infestation is more ap- - parent and the damage is greater - along the lake shore sections north fOf Chicageo than it is west. In this which possess the pecutuar looping habit of unovement which gives the impression they are measuring as they move forward. This type of locomotion resuits f rom the fact that, the worms possess only two or three pairs of legs at either en d and none in the middle of. the body. They range in size 'from one-fourth inch ,in length f0 about one inch, are: very largely by contact, and compiete kili lias been observed to occur within one., or two hours after applicatýion.. Even before death occurs.t.he damage to the foliage is stopped because the insects are disabled imrnediately upon application of the spray. It is generally aàdvisable to use Pyrote and.Arsenate of Lead .ini combiniation, the Pyrote- giving immediate control of the worms prescrnt on. the trees and the lead producing a protective cover which will prevent later injury by strag- glers. A t-horough- spraying with ef- fective materials, is always- miuch mor .e. economical than ia cheaper spraying ini Which Iess effective materials are used. There is a new type of -lead arsenate available .which appears to possess some distinct advantages over the old lead- arsenate powder we havre been using for so many years. This is in a colloidal form and a one pound bottie makes f rom 200 to 300 gallons of spray which gives a more even cover- age and leaves no unsightly residue to discolor the foliage. Being very fnely divided, it may prove. to be more quickly effective also. tais,> let me caution these new home builders to insist, while building is go- ing on, that any 'trees on,- the site be given. the best of care. Trees are valuable. A large specimien purchased for shade and requiring the services of tree movers mnay run into hundreds. of dollars. Often, when building, it is necessary to change grade levels, cither adding or taking away soul to establislh the jmus t be used in -c 1aind at the rate of AL esta cos- ý, is worni e for bis picture, tion with. it new i two pounds j 'Tropic .L=-