Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1938, p. 14

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il a.m.-Second service, - wlth Holy Communion. The order of service at Il o'clock wii inlude the followlng: M lue~"Inv 1oCatlon"..........Dubois Introt-"The Spirit of the Lord Filleth the Word".....Schnauck Offertory-Pastoralé...........Scarlotti T4,e Sermnoni--'Pentecost-Theu and Now"*............ John 14:26-27, the C ommunion. Postlude-Fàhtasia.........Bach Ladies' Aid, today. installation o! new officers. Junior Walther League, Frlday,*8 l.ni., Walther, League talent quest, Sunday. 1 :45-5,:001., Concordia College, River Forest; eveninýg progiram, '7.:00-9 :00. Church council, 'l'uesday~, 8'.p.mi. Announeents for Sunday~s Com- munion se rvice will.Pe received at the parsonage on Frlday from 1, to 8 p.m. The new officers of the Ladies' Aid soi ety wre. airman, MNrs, ;A. Rein- hardt, vice chairnian. iMrs. G. P. * Simons; secretaty, MUrs. H. E. Nilies; assistant secretary, M.Nrs. K. E. 'Meyer; * treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Austin. They be- gin their terni after today's meeting. Sunday Is the last great festval, of the church year-Pefltecost, commemo- rating the outpourlng of. the Holy * Spirit. tlie birthday of the Christian Church. Methovlist Church are Il ntr ýa music, as arranged y Briel, organist-dlrector, wItl 5)S Prelude............. Noble Cantabile" from 6th ýny ..... Tschaikowsky st Thy Burden U7pqn . . ... . . . . Mendelssohnl [ark, Hark, 'MY ... .... Shelley 3 :45 p.m. GOirl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at 3 :45 Brownie Pack 1-Wedflesdays at 3 :.0 Boy ScoutTrOo.p 3-T 1uesdays at 7,:30 The Womafl' MiàsiOnariY Society WiB> have a *"Plcnlc Meeting' Thursdaty,. lune 9, at il o'cloeèk, at Mrs. Thomas Kerwin's, 2007 Wilmette avenue. Mem- bers are to bring, box luncheons. The speaker is Mrs. Claude Travis of Whea- ton, Ill., a national officer of the Wom-I an's Homne Missionary society, and a well-kfloWfl speaker. This wilI be t4-re last meeting of the se.ason, and al members are urged to be present. St Autgustine'S Pr: Hubert Carleton, rector Sunday, June 6, will be Whitsuiwlay, or Pentecost, commemoratlflg the des- S1Church ten days after the Ascensionof1 our Lord. TPhere will be Holy Com- munion at 8 a.m., Church schools at 9 :45, 'and Holy Communion with sûr- mon at il a.IT. Next Sunday being the first Sunday in the .month, will be Corporate Com- munion Sunday for both the Boys' and Girls' Communion leagues. reet" hasfull information for The wèdding of Miss Helen Rntgal and Lawrence Buckrnaster wlll be heli in the church this Saturday afternool at 4:30 o'ciock. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A HOUSE OF' WORSHIP" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pitstor Dr. Herbert L. WiiiOtt. ministe The Children's Day services will bû held Sunday morniflg, June 5, at 10 o'clock. This will be the final mneeting of t.he Sunday sehool for the season. Your parents are lnvited.to this service., These will ocrupy. the fullI period of the rnorning service, and theère ývll ,be no church programn At the church service on lune 12, there will be a special musical service at 11 W(>'ock. The service will center around t-he life and work of EliJah.- Selections, froin.Mendeissohfl's ,"EiJah" will be sung by the, quartet and scrip- ture readings wilI compflete the outlilne of the Prophet's life. The final service of the ehuùrch ýfor the séason will be Sunday, June1. First Presbyterian Nînth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, nîinister A-'t tie nmorning worship service at 11 o'clock, Holy Communion. wîil be cele- birated. New members w4ll &î.e be re-, ceived. The pastor will give the inedita- tion on the themè, "The Christ Pattern -Approach to C.od.Y We. cot'dlaliy in- vite you to worship with'us. The musical program arranged b>7 Mfiss .Erma Rounds, organist-d irector, will be as foilows: organ prelud'?, "Melodie," Gluck; processional, "The Light of God Is Falling"; antbem, -Praise Ye the Lord," Randegger. Miss Elizabeth Breidenbach and the choir; solo> *0 Lord, 'Most Holy," Franck, Edward Otis, sololst - postînde, "Post- The Sunday school will mTeet at J :?0 o'elock li al departments. The Adult Bible elass bas begu.n an interesting new series of less'>ns on "The Kingdomn of God," and invites you to join ln this study at. 10 o'clock every Sunday morning. The Pastor's class, for those .who wisli to prepare for church membership will- have its last meeting Sunday morning at 9 :30 o'clock. Primaries. 3 p.m-j'Kappa Pi rPhi' Mr. Hindley wlll preach ai sermn'O entitled '"What Amn*1 Off ered for the CIhurch ?" at t*ie -rorniiig worship hour. The service ,vl conclude with the clos-* lng of the Communion of. the year. TÉhe musice will be asflos Organ Prelude-Canzofla..... B Solo-".'Blow Ye the, Trumpt". ndrews. Ethel Wishover Offertoire Slo-"T4ie Heart Worships"........... os Organ Postlude-Finale froin Second Suite .. ........... BellniSn CALFENU-Ag FOR, WEEK 4'riday* June 3- Central cirele. Abracadabra, picnhc. Monday, -June 6- 7:30-B3oar(l of JReligious Ed-,(ueion.' :30-Boai'd of Truisteeq. 7:30-13oy Scouts, Troop 1. Ttiesdfly, June 7- 7 ;30-C'atiifire Girls at the lionw e f Pr.. $azel 'M. IHodges, 901 lF.-rest avenue. Life 'Memnbers' pienie, at the Wilsor's Home ini Hinsdale. *Wdne,.sday, June 8'~ 7:aO0 Boy Seouts, Troop Il. Thursday, June 9- 3 :30-Girls' choir rehearsal. 4-Boys' choir relîearsal. Friday. June 10- 2--%romen's Guild. WOMFMN' G UI L D T-he Women's Guild will meet at the church on Friday, June 10, at '- o'cloek. Mrs. G. 'M. Brooks andl Mrs. C. A. Car- nontor iltell ff'their trip to. the con- June 6, at 7 :30 o'clock. BO4ÏRI 0F TIRUSTEES The Board of Trustees will Meet li oie church pirlor at. 7:30 o'clock, 'Mon- day, June 6. ABRACADABRA The annual picnîc. and election of Of- ficers of Abracadabral will be held this Friday evenlng, June 3. 'W A IPP A Pl P T The Seliir Luther wl will mi

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