617 DAVIS. ST.: EVANSTON $125,M00Stock Oriental, Rage Muet Be Sold't. Raise Cash ALL SIZES ALL WE-AVBES ALL GENUINE Mmay accidents on the suww soe caused by pavementhet am. bum0y, raveled, slip qr wiicn wt, iicult to cen obscur at nighe. These acci- dents can b. prevented by pay. if with commre which: 1. leducet skidding ii ai veather 2,UI*as high vhs*bahty at Dris a.re *ui bar 4KhtsIro u <4 ,q.;Jýncuraçs taffC toUSeThe tc<»0e 44boç* $show utkree nior#ti sre ilags,1,'WirieeWiiMkadGlnoo'Alnail# th $Y , ____ Un O tkn in ilettve cmded mb e fthebrd oos pr tfhvllgreen. cornerbe ofScGreenuBaya d nd ark ~ equd o*d crrymgcgpaCteditaldaret. A per lefta,. the 1Next a ictre (tnby Wt lean enucorphScot.omssoe ..çoM Mrle" tO iiot*AlberàtotMcPherin; riht,t d New dR o.)ft. he ackrpl squtheri ar .Satiidi hre ia and bule ors;cete, ôyScbigapmndVlaPext o cs d r Ms.JhW.Prof14Tcr TbqMd goz fpbtg~%a cus a~ ttergt ea ots, pljace, Kel outs; ii beevig lu ai staf, sho heciinnr etkapradé iceT.' Vattoer riePosfptures s .d- Ipnd thek tomrwthahe, nioth e Mrs drg4"as cereionre ,qe ovhoAer ed-Mto 1ncelland wetle yEmaCv.Ms Pr lt te1yan ern . emerof thad nitorIn the Wsond Lef t tohowf s th e :co 2 Z;ZZ:s.a