women to turn out. Riders, will present f romi ail parts of Chicago and. Cook. county., Ar- rangement s have been made with nearby stables in the North Shore area for the stabling of horses brought from a distanceé and, it is, expected. that every available horse in these stables will be used. Ride Starts iat 30 A. M. The ride will start at. 10 a. m. on the es5tate of Carleton Elmes on Golf road, opposite the Glenview- Country club, where the riders are to as- semble. Riders f ro.m a distance will' he met by.private buses at the Harms Woods station on the Skokie ValleY' branch of the-North Shore line. Leaving theElmes, estate, the caval- cade, will make a circuit of several miles through the forest preserves, Squirrel Chatter............... Lemont Betty Schaeff er The First Butterfly........ . Torjussen Natalle Wakeley, Gliding . ...............» *'1 j........ Carter 111Katherine Jane L loyd ý,. The Dancing Lesson........... Rolmeth Gwaihn' Illians Viking March ................. Werner' Bobby Fay Pixies Goodnight Song.......... Brown Nancy Green Wood Nymnphs Fairy Harp ....Rea Edith Louise 'Watkîns,1 Soaring......................... Rolfe" Lucy Jane Bancroft1 The Busy Saw-Mil.... ........ Blbro .Willard MacF'arland Charming Cinderella........... Endres Margaret NÙveen' T4ie Giants .. .............. .... Rogers Louis )Fgrrar Avalanche*................ ......Hleler* Susan Harriet Moorê The Cricket and the Bumnble, Bee .................... ..Chadwick Mlargaret NZuveen Edith Louise Watkins Trhe Uay Butterfiy .,............. Hatcir lb. Ic NEW PACK GENUINE Long 1sandDUCKLINGS. MILD LONCHORN CHEESE. STAR SLICED BACON over the radio. Climnbing In addition to President Lorber, H-ang ing C other officers are Paul H. Manz, vice The WVatc. president and J. C. Thompson, secre- Spirmiýg' tary and treaSurer. Directors of the association are: Gertrude's H. Leslie Atlass, Frank W. Bering, Album Le, Frank J.: Birk, Hill Blackett, H. 0.Th tr C rews, Wayne Dinsm~ore, C. Grover-Te ty e * e e e * LB. . Daviei. rnt .... . .. îýreg Lkins .. ..Elll enric4i lams Lz .... .Beet.hoven ries .....Koeiiing icastie ;e.........Lynes CAMTIN JOHNS HADDOCK PULLET e~~ e B7c FROZEN . e e e 'LB. ~"~"Fr Eie..................Beethoven ýthschild, Patsy Hiigendorf berman, Menuett.................... Mozart Lt. Col. Epgo Tom Brewer Maer ______ *Alice Barnes Caroline Tudor Renee De La Chappeile Etude Comnique................ Wright Norbert Markus eArabes;que......... ... . Meyer-Helrnund Marianne Tudor, %Varrior's Sonzg................. Helier Hoiden Farrar Scotch Poeni .......... .ýacDowell 4 24-OZ. PEPSI COLA ...6 bofe 5c ANN LB.19C j LB1c * V-L.1.5c, lOc 1I.. J.1 Har ry !M Isaac Stie Col. E. N. Frank O.' twortn,