Di r'e Thursday, June 9 'HOLY MASS FOR GRADUÂTES Frlday morning, June 10, at .8 o'clock. -Maria Imimaculata" Chapel Celebrant- the. Revr. Arnold Jeurgenis, S.V.D). GRADUATION BREAKFAST. Friday morning, June 1079à 9-o'clock Malllnclrodt cafeteria COMMENCEMENT Fridgy evening, June 10, at 8 oclock "Maria Immaculata" chapel ADDRESS The 'Very Rev. Michael J. O'Connell,. BENEDICTION The Rev. Johin Neumann The Malinckrodt class of 1938 in- cludes the followiing. Ida .Bauer, Loretta Bohenski,ý Dor- othy Bolsinger, Mildred Braun, Bar- bara Brautigami, Catherine Cordenbruk, Verônica DeMarco, Ellianna Diamusis, Kathleen Duntemnann'. Vera Happ, Dorothy Hein, Mary Louise Heintz, Madelaine Junius, Kath- leen Laurenceil, Margaret McCarthy, Marint ag*iueu, 8etty K Miller, Alyce Neubauer, Kat-hryn P~ape. Laurentia IPowers, Marjoriie Zehaf e- hen, Betty M. Rauscher, Yvonine Singer, Lorraine Stander, Juanita Thompson, Dorothy Tripp, Marion Whitbroàd, Frances Zimmnerman. BAHA'I LECTURE "Can Human Nature Change'" is the subjcct of the talk to be given ini Foundation h all, Baha'i Universal Flouse of Worship at Linden avenue the newly-organized project shop ivas given its initial appearance. A soutbern clog danceý was pre- sented by Barbara Welch. ýThe mu- sical saw. was ýpl1ayed by Rutb Good- hue.* Stephen Fostei songs were givenl by a duo con sisting of Barbara Welcb and Marýtha Siefkin.> A vocal, quartet. composed of. Ellen, Watson, Martba jean Karnopp, Kurt Wel- borne and George Reclding feature d songs of* the pioneers.. America's national instrument, the piano,'was. duly represented by, Rosamond ,Mc- Millan. Jackson MacLow, and Rich-' ard Finney., Students WiII1 Visit in City Settlemert Areas Sociology and civics students of New 1Trier Township 1High' s&choo will travel to Hull bouse and Jane Addams housing project this Friday. At Hull house a lecture on settie- mielts and civic problems (Anierican- ization, gangs, family life) anid also on social problems (crime, housing. poverty, health) will be given. This will be followed. by an inspection of the Hul bouse plaint. Then a brief tour of thé neighborhood will be f ol-. lowed by an inspection of the hous- l leaproperly fro. fthe star# It is much botter to learn to do ièt rightt1 Tbor. is fun while they learu et A Real Som mer Camap' on our ow-n lake shore for Beys end Girls 3 to14 ynr Day end FaIHI.. Camp, evening classes for guides rteeýts at1 nawav and R. B. Webr. 8 o'clock in Foundation hall.7 Mrs. Helena Swalenberg left Wed- nesdav for ber home in Colorado Springs. Colo., after spending a week as the house guest of Mrs. William Whittier of 353 Sterling road, Kenil- worth. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Napier and their sniall sons. John and-.Rodney, came to Wilinette about two weeks ago froni Philadelphia, ,Pa., and have taken the bouse at 1769 Washington avenue, formerly occupied by the