Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1938, p. 30

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the curren: issue. SYMPHONY CONCEIRTS The announcement, mnade last wëek, that ar- rangement s have been :concluded for a s eries of iiine concerts to be given in Washington, park,. Winetby the Iliin ois -Symphoniy orchestra, was received with gratifiçation. by music loyers of the North Shore. *The series, which will open on JÙIY 6 and, continue. on consecutive Wednesdayý evenings, is the third given in W inmette by this popular orchestra, Which.,bas earned, by its splendid performances, a reputation >as one of thé finest symphony 'orchestras ini the country. It hbas' flot only given capital renditions of numbers, by, composers of the acaepted classics, but bas bad the courage to include'lil ts rograms ~produc-~ tions of modern composers, giving opportunity for the public to hear composition that may one day be listed with present classics. Its object i8 to give today's composers a "break." and somne of the numbers it bas introduced have already become popular. It is worthy of note that, while Wilinette. pri- rnarily sponsors. these, concerts, their enjoyment i- n 1hliited to Wilmette villagers. With charac- ganizing Symnphony Concert parties and thus enjoy tbe splendid music in an atmosphere of social recreation. t is stated that the management contemplates several improvements to add to the comfort and pleasure of visitors. Acoustics wilI be greatly bettered by the substitution of a wooden roof to the shell for the canvas roof used last year., --. *r* +! ho-nravided an th itself for the first time. "The most important thing for any youngster out of higb., scbool and college to. leamn, is nôt the particular skill of any single job, but rather wbat the real World is -like," -decçlares Dr.. Pitkin ini an article on "Hlow to Get a Start in Lif&' in the current Rotarian magazine. "Once the job seeker bas got the feel of reality, then be is in a position to: move On to bis own *bigher problem' of a living and a career. "But the real world is a tough place té jump into cold,"ý he concedes. "It',s tackled best. by tbe youth ýwbobas warrned to the tskof findin g a Job - by jgetting> his runoing start first. B right youngsters are beginning to learn tbe importance of changing the.,old saying 'Well done is half done' to 'Early begun is baif done.' "Time and again young people now in jobs tell me that summer and vacation work during Dr. Pitkin points out. "Thus a young engineer, who writes me that in bis opinion oue of the greatest problems confronting a beginner is bis inability to understand what will be expected of bim in his first position. For that reason 1 would suggest that one secure al the experience be can by working in various kincis of jobs while in school. They beip bim get 'the feel of the sbop.' " Citing- instances in which ambitious and ener- one wno wiIl get thle experlence in the real worId which will enable him to geta runining start as le starts ini life, be tuaintains. THE PURGE conceiv~efforts of the rge congres ,eresentatives Now that concerts by the Illinois Symphony orchestra in Washington park, Wilmette, are assured for this season, let us hope that. the programn makers will include a goodly propor- tion of numbers that 90) out of every 100 of the audience, can. understand and appreciate. Too greata proportion of the "'.heavy" stuif makes tbemn duil listen'ers. Closely following discovery of, the. mutilated body of a boy rwbo w as kidnaped f or ransom cornes' nc ws, of the. kidnaping of anoth er small boy,ý this time near Miami,'Fia. T he kidnapers, if found,' ,should be. turned o-ver,. to the tenderý mercies of the parents and relatives of the victims. The, other day a stray borse visitcd. a Chicaga police station. WVhat about that proverbial "horse sense? Uncle Sam took long chances in aresting a numnber of alleged Nazi spies suspected of prying iinto lis miliary secrets. Mr.. Hitler projbably will not like it, and a long and Ioud rattling of the sword may be expected. WVilliami H. Malone, Who *once wvas chairmail of the Illinois tax cômmisison, bas become .a guest of Uncle Sam at a hostelry.he maintains at Lewis- burg, Pa., for persons con'iicted of income tax law violations. There Mr. Malone wiIl have time to ruminate on the mistake he made in flot adopting the technique of certain Chicago poli- ticians Who got away witb, the swag in less the police in the effoots now benmade tow IIIke the practice safe. One way in,wbich this can be donc is to see that the youngster complies witb the village regulations as to wheel equipment and the rules of riding. t may prevent an unexpected funceral in your home. A new Massacbusetts law provides that after popping the question to one of the less importanit sex a mani shall bave the right to change bis mind buzzing ice l enexi of tegm-, THit PIHAN"Om Rlip.OTZR., urst of si collision, our Con

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