A two-fold celebration - the sixtieth annîversary of the foundingof the School of. Speech of Nortbwesterfl university and twenty.-five years of service of Ralph Dennis as dean tof; that School-will be' a highlight of 1Sunday,' June 5, for aluinni of the school, studen ts, and facul-, ty members. First of the two events sclected for the observance will.>be a School of Speech open-bouse Sunday afteriooni. The building' its, offices,> theater, costume room, ciinic rooms,,and light-. inradio, and,,sounld aboratories- wil be open to ail alumni friends of the schooi. "Literally, it will be an open bouse. Faculty members in their offices and under the umbrelias on the lawn, stdenttgreadY tOexPil'a their'Nvork andi activitieS, and aluni and .friends everywhere-this is the planof the aiternioon," the comnmitie announices. -RefresbrfefltS are not forgotten ini the plans. On the school iawn under the colorful summner sehool umbrellas, or in the new Deer- ing library, dependiflg ont the weather, faculty wives and aluninae will sec that no one is huilgry or too thirsty for enjoyable conv~ersation wtl October 15, will Mark the fiftieth anrliversàry of the founding of Epsilon chapter of Gammia Phi, Beta on North- wvestern' .s camipus, -an(d ela1)or- ate Plans.are being laid t.o ia ke the Golden anniversary an out- standing event in the_ fal pro- * grani'. Follow:ving the luncéheonl which wvasgiveni at Shawnee: *Country Club. 1onljune: 1, at which the Chicago Alninae cliapter entertained the seniors *of, the Northwesterni and Lake 1Forest chapters,. there. -vas a meeting 'of the Golden Anni- versary comnittee and the fol-. ___lowing plans wvere ann.ioinced. Carlos Photos The program for the, Golden an-. Thte imainyplans ateii'JiiI'ou so fJ7iie it ûc1rr~casiias a .GoJdeio niversaxy includes registration Satur- aimiversary celebra tio'* are i»nieral charile of Mrs. Lewis B. Ermiieli?»g of day morning, Qctober 15, followed 1Isv W'ilmcette. 'at the' lef t, asid Ars. Divui of Ühic-ipqô. They are co-chairmnen of a luncheon at the Gamma Phi Beta thte events to be gii'cnz in ob.srvce o! thc ifticth»ivcsavof the founding bouse, a Flouse Association meeting of Epsiloi c-aptrof Gamm' a P'hi acta at Northwestent uiv7ersityl Octo'ber ini thé afternoon, and i the evening 15. Tht ay f te aonh h fails o>i.atrday, and the Sadyflo- a banquet and dancing at one of the ieag, will be devoted b o mrozis evewiat. n recogitiooa of thc occasion. country clubs. Sunday will be given over to visiing and motor tri-ps along the North Shore. The Flouse board of the Flouse association will be bost- CmwramIfU esses at a tea at the Ghapter house %iinpamLeaue akes. on Sonday afternoon, with ail the ed by inose to wom-m Speech bas meaut somietbing very real and by those who think that Dean Dennis ought to be toid about the great work lie bas done-whetber hie likes it or not." President Walter Dili Scott wil speak briefly, representiflg the uni- ~ T T Nrdner, Hostess, this office ini April. Mlrs. toeiLner was. formeÉly treasurer of the organi- ization, and a niumber of years ago, before she married and went to Cali- f ornia to live, was a memiber of the bo.ard. The family returned to Chi- cago f ront the west coast two years az.and last fali rented the A.- J. asked the folowing to assist tiemn: Mrs. Stephien R. Truesdell, treasurer ; Mrs. Jack Griffin, Mrs. Douglas H. M\ac-\illani, and Mrs. Fred Nichiols, publicity ; Mrs. Allaai P. Ramsay, bulletins and ciass letters; -Mrs. Har- old Brown and Mrs. Justus Bauier. out-of-town organizations; Mrs.. Paul. 1B-rlfnr1 and:Mrs. jinh»C. Trussell, [*. ot Gle#encoe. noon. MJrs. fierman (j. . ecvy. WILME!TE .LIFE