Jack Lawson Photo Meinbers of the .oPhomore cast o! "Nap pii' W/sari," ta be git'en by. that class and by freshmen this Priday and S-t urday at New Trier Touwn-. ship High school arc shouwrn bove. Front: Jack Walker, Barbara Iartoil, Brutce Borrcgaard, Vera Ruth Le»» y, Turner Wilson; rear: Bill Steen,' John Rodger, Clara Lee McCadden, Ernjest Keller, Dick Kahn. I-J.c k' s Pitching, .r outes , for reaching' them. Favorite spots within the city, as weIl as sub- A irtight Fieldi g, urban areas north, west and south, Win 2BaIl amesare ýcovered. Accompanying each copy of the leafiet is a map of the The Wilmette Athletic club base- most initeresting forest preserves, bail team made it three in a row for furnished by the Cook County Forest more victories over the hoidày week-. Information in the leaflet was conipiled by the field committee of end.- On Sunday the Wilmette boys the ornithological society, of wvhich took a clorse affair f romi Wheeling, Kari E. Bartel' is chairmfan. Copies 6 to 5, when airtighit defensive work, may be obtained from the secretary of which jncluded two runs cut off. at the society, Mrs. Cora C. McElroy, the plate and three double plays in or from Field Museum.________ critical spots, cliinched the verdict. The M-\emorial Day game fouad Glencoe as the opposition, the locals i SATURDAY EVENUNG' .,,JUNE llth * ORRIN TUCKIR AND HIS ORCHESTRA STARS UNDER TIHE STARS SUMMERTIME REVUE PAUL PAGE BAILEY SISTERS OONNIE BAKER 4 NIGHT HAWKCS THE BEACH WAUC G LE E C LU-8 HARRIET SMITHS LOVELY LADIES Dine and D'once Out of Door, on fth. Lake Shore WATER BEACH game wilI*. UC .play Green just west school. Box scores: WiIniett4e A. C. AB3R H Ka!ýpar, 3b 4 1 1 *Canipo, , 4 1 1 Marqu'rdt, rf 4 2 2 Gloverý, lb 4 0 0 Niâtc-k If 1 )I the Villag the Howar, .ABR H Law'nce, If 5 1 i L'w'nce, 2b 5 i1.l Alten, lb 3 0 0 ucher c 5 02 kts :ke play clotkes you chOO-se tat make Me sumrmer f un! Ansd you'illfind t'Mate clothes in Mil/urn': are few o trn whtyour pet combination rMay be. Here atafwfo wckto choose: Shirts, ioo%ý Zephyr, Water Repellent. ....