Trees -Evergreons Shruhis Pereuials A large varletye t> FRUIT, T BE 19S and HARD ROSES. Gross Point Rd. South of Oakton NILIS CENTEft 287 5.otsactE.n awrated at PRea"l NO COMMISSION 41/2% INIIREST FIRST MORT& ~y of Ap- «pondingly air ci cSer, ertbern "T1he spotliglit of achievemeûtti air conditioning this year shines, on several outstanding developments. Now completely self -contained air conditioning units for smali and me-, dium sized stores bring the sanie. air conditioning service that bas been so successful ini large buildings, trains, ships, theaters and big stores and at a much lower cost. .Attractive Cabinets "'These new commercial electric. air conditioning units are' entirely contained in attractive cabinets -wvhich occupy but little floor space and areé easily installed in one day. It's a simple matter to move these units and reinstail them at another loca- tion if -that becomes necessary. «WliLlè last year oôiè manfatrer' introduced a cabinet-type commer- cial air conditioning unit, this year sees them made available by several manufcaurers for the first time ini sizes up to 5 horsepower. One or two units of this size will probably take care of 80 per cent of future air conditioning jobs in the commer- cial field." Among the commercial air condi- can instau cuiupiete i ouiung but at the same time he desires some formn of home cooling. In this sys-ý tem the. entire home, as well ýas s leep- ing quarters is flushed with Cool. night air, lowering the teniperatuire several degrees and affording a large measure of relief during bot weather. Wilmette Permits Cail for Two New Residences, Garage Three building permits, tWo for inew residences and one for a private garage, were issued in Wilmette: dur-, ing the piast week. 1. A. Blietz, the builder, is erect- ing one of the residences at 1211 .Chestnut street, at an estimated cost of n$iÔ ., R. Riards, of Wil- mette, is the architect. 0f brick- veneer construction, the hQuse will comprise 7 rooms andl an attached garage. The other residence permit was is- sued to A. W. Weil, who is build- inig a six room, brick veneer bouse with attached garage, at 3511 Forest avepnue. The estimated cost is $8.500., report prepared, by T. O . Morgan, Chicago manager of the Dodge Re- ports division of.theF. W. Dodge cor- poration, there is the. commient that, "despite, the slowed activity. in. the general building picture of the count- ry, Chicago establishied, a substaritial April rise over Match contracts.' $7,002,000 lia April AIl of the building and construc- tion contracts of the Chicago metro- politan area reachied $7,002 'l» in April. This-was 14 per cent ahjead of the 'March contracts, $6,147,000 The Dodge newsstaff found an aver-. age decrease of 2 per -cent in the ý37 eastern states. The contracts to be financed f rom private funds made a good showing ini the Chicago area during April. T'hey advanced to e$91 Ô, a 9 per cent gain over the Match contracts, $3,560,000. In the eastern states the average for the private contracts was a decrease of 7 per cent. Public Projects Gain The April building contracts whic!, will be financed withi public money moved to $3,111,000, a gain from the March figure, $2,587,000. In the broad- er area of 37 states. public buildingf See a illion peony bIo<tmus in field. for your conveniesce in ponip ari- fineet. Get our new lst with very cent slide from the Maàrch level. Activity in the non-residential con- rds tracts went to $1,895,000 froni the 1 for. $3,325,000 recorded for March. This busi- decrease folowed the eastern-states' Win- average drop of 8 per cent. Avers , Finally, Mr., Morgan reports the Three1 alterations Other Lo Km, arI n nu go àwÉ