Beý-gin, Driving Piles, for Retain- ing,:Wall Near Park; -Plan Eight-Foôt Channel hro Work of dredginig Wilmettebrr and the channel approach, for whilch North' Shore. yachtsme.n have been waiting- for several season's, began Tuesday mornin -g. teN .Mci The contractors, teN .Mci Company 1of Chicago, began driving. the piles for a retaining watt along the shore to the east of Washington park, jugt north of 1the Coast Guard observation tower, behind which they Will dump, the spoil frotnthe harbor and lake. In addition. to, dredging the basin to a depth of eight feet, a channet cars usei mairuy Dy rTxl4i me111V' u. xiqu)ç -siL capable. of high speed and usuially driven by young men whose minds are f requently more set on fast driving tlian saf e, driving, present a real threat to tra.ffic safety, and. will until, effective, Means of'control are adopt.ed, cither by the m'erchant-owners themselves- or.- by the autho-rities. in. fairness let it be ýsaidl that not ail drivers of this class of: delivery trucks. are guilty. of careless and reckless driving. In fact, it is bel eved, that only 'a small minority is responsible for the bad reputation that is extending to ail.- It should not be difficuit for the employers of these f ew to put an end to the. vio lations, and they would no doubt do so promptly if .only they reaiized that the, îll-will being created is directed to them- selves and flot to',the offending drivers, and that it is actually losing customers forù them. That this last statement is true s- susceptible of convinciiIg proof. We knowof almost a: dozen fanlilies who PRESIDENT Distribution of MonCY-m5mY in SymphonY COUPOns With the openinig of anionther sea- son of migsic under the stars at Ra- vinia Park only five weeks away on June 30th, Mrs. Walter R. Knupfer of 7 Crescent place; has> announced. the names of ber ticket committee, in Wilmette this year. Books containing eighteen coupons, are now on sale for $10 each. These may be ha.d by calling at the.Wil-~ mette State bank or from any Inem-, ber of the committee. Anyone oish-. ing to have the books delivered ay do- o by calling the'batik and the books will. be brought to the home. by Western Union messenger. The work' the stipervi wàterwaysc lic works ai of Illinois. dies include the United Project ig completed under f the division of department of pub- Idins n f the state enaang iike. usual. antl+ is ig aduits >i of the tthe fault performanice. r, to mnake g night ian- tes army, thn ago, and the in the harbor, a multïtuudeotsmiiA would- not exceed one minute. Th e boat saiters from ail over Lake Mich- csoe ol ee nwtedf igan who will now be;able to use the custoer ol ee nwtedf harbor as a haven of refuge or a frne point of cati, the local Sea Scout Because of the fact that delivery ships, and the United States Coast vehicles are on the street practically Guai d station crew at the harbor, the entire day, they offer a greater whose work bas been hampered be- menace to safety than other cars, cause of the difficulty in launching and should therefore be driven witb boat inshalow ate. -greater caution and closer observance boas i s______ et.of trafficlaws. nond K~. Central