t lé*Fou. MET LU. MKr. s.Iu 2FURNISHED ROOMSý FOR L1GHT 1bousekeeping. Adults offly. References requIred.-'ccal.Wilmette,3997. 11.9LTN4-ltp lii0OARD Att 30OU AVAILABLE NOW,ILARGE SINGLE room adjoinlng bath, an~d 2 room suite; With breakfast. Dinner optional. 1 SERVE GOOD FOOD. Wiln'ette 4151. 12ILTN1-4tp 1R8 cAm FOU CONVALESOUNTO EXCELLENT C&ARE BY TRANED nurses in wonderfi1l private home for convalescents and semî-invalids. Finest references. Highland Park 3526. 123LTN4-4tp 1219 FOU RENTAPARTMENTSM eUBLEASE JULY 1 TO OCT. OR later. Furn. or unfurn. 41z rms., 2 bdrmns., back pch. New G. JE~ refrig.; taWl op stove. Cool, quiet corner, 2 biks. school, 1 blk. transp. Reasonabie. ~1%~~ 1,1fub Wdm. Wiae" iffl 128LTNI-4tp Modern,3% rmi.a )t. Liv. rm. with roll- out bed. Bdrmi., tile bath and shower, dinette, kitchenette a'nd bî'ktst. nook. Immfed. poss. Close to transP. IReas. Wil. 1724. 12LTN4-tp *la. FOU ENTFURNIGHED APTS._ SMALL 1 ROOM APARTMENT with kitchenette facilities, coiiveàienit downtown location. Wilniette 2319 or Willflette 242-4 129LTN4-4tp Nw. trans. preferred.O rbfr June 15. Cal Wilmette 3 6. 133 'FO RENT-HOtSES GLENCOE 2,55 MOiRTIMER RD.: 7-11115, 4 BD- ans. . bats., 2 sun pchls., 1 sllw; H. (.)il; 120.x150. i<ar. A%,tvai .i.uly 1. silowil by aIppo)intuIenlt 'oly. 1\1 % Newhlall. BAI RD '& WARNER, Inc. 4 br.,ý 2 bathe, sleep.. porch ont 2nd floor. 011 heat. OWner mov-, Ing acet. death. ThIÉs Is an ex- cellent offering. 795 Elm St. Winnetka 71.5 Winnetka Rogers Park 2321 147LTN4-lte "GEI.NTEEL RIESIDENCE CONSISTING OF DWELLING HO013E with foiding doors, marble fireplaces, convenlent chambers, closets, and dress- ing rooms. Weil and cîstern. Barn. and out-buildings. Location in' immediate viclity.Adams Female Academy." Exept for such Items as outbuildings, folding .doors, and proximlty to a Female Academy, the above ad, which appeared in *tlhe July 24, 1830 edition of the' Boston Transcript, might.well, apply to a fine old home which we have for sale or rent here in Winnetka. ,jç's wel, .worth looking into. Details on requést. Il. M .3ag & Co., exl sive 'agents, Winnetka 89. 147LTN4-lte OUR LAST WEEKS S 03E * SPECIAL IS SOLD TIS ONE XVONT LAST LONG! tlDW1J ÀCOLNIAL. 6 LARGE Lji'00l1. r, ' and istrict. Price 1. & G,. valve systeni, tie north Glencoe rneighiborliood, !Maiy fea- tutres for' comifort and economnY ulstally found only ln expensive homes. $14,500. QUINLAN & TYSON,' mc. 5,SI Lincoln Avenue WVinnetka 177 14 7LTNI4- 1tcý 'Fine 7 room liotuse in A -1 coud. Extra Ige. lvg. min., den, 2 bdtrnis. and bath. bedroon'w, 1 bath, large'.Dutch tilied inlaid 'fireplace, within 3 blocks of granimar -an1- Catholic schools and Lin- den' "L"-Lot 50x96- Price $12,000. Call Mr. Jenkins for appointiflent. SHORE -TOWN S REALT CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 Wil. ý0:8 Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN4-ltc -4 BDRMS., 2¼_ BATHS . KtlNILWORtTH - 'N E W white brick, convenlent to pub-:.1 lic, and parochial, sçhools, als'o transh., recrea. 'rrh., '2 open pchs., att. gar., cond. air, oilI lt. $ 18,000.00, open to offer. Glencoe - Engllsh 'brick, lot 108x135 ft., beau. yard, 2-car >brick g, .1 lirary, m4erp;i baths,' excellentl. locate'd for school & transpl. A real buy at $13,500.00. TH"IÎFBILLS RE ALTY, Imc. 529 Davis St., Evanston Wilmette 3740 147LTN4-ltc ESTATES EAST, WILMETTE 1028 PAWNJEE RI). Oupen Sunday :.U to 0 147LTN4-1t:ç- \VEST OF WILMETTE IN THE VERY CON VENIENT" estate section. Sevenl room hom on,, j'k acres, beautifully land- scajied with shrubbery and per- ennials. (Additional 31/2 acres avalabe, if desired.)' Price $13,500. SHORE-TOWNS REýAUfY 6 RIM,. FACE-BRIKtiiB jiNI.tJL*MJ Liv. rni. 1àK24. Hot water oit heat. 10 yrs.. old, perfect condition. Gutters, d1ow1nspOt and screefls are copper., Lot 63x24,, 'in fine neighborhood 'of new homes., Well landscaped. I8 trees., No, specals. Cost $22,000. Owner 540 Brown St., Nile à Center 22 souTIHGLNCOE J' ORDER TO SELL THIS BEAU- -tiful home: within next 10 days own-. er WillI consider' any reasonable offer. There are-4 bdrms, 2 tile baths on 2nd floor. 3 -rms. and glazed sun porch on lst floor.. Also att. garage. Cal Mjr. Wilcox, City- National Agecy of Ev- anston, Inc. 800 Davis St. Greenleaf 1410. 147LTN4-1tCe 140 OR ALE oRt N-OUE BEAUTIFUL ARTISTIC COUNTRY home weést of Deerfield, 1%. acres, private water and sewage system. Lge. living roomi, open fireplace, baléony s1fpngprh,2crgarage.' Reason- Winnetka 513-Rt: 14SLTýN2-tfe 151 FOR SALE-.VACANT INIDIAN HILL ESTATES W . .OGN Owner*-s Repre~eIItatiVýe Watch the construction of our 1JE.NONSTRATION HOMEIF on Chippewa Lane BAILGINLOT -'NOJI i VANS- toni. Ownier Wanlts offer on: $M200,00 price for 50 feet. $219~50.00 or offer- for 75-ft.' lot i In- (liaiHill Estates Seution, NWilmlette. CALL MI. SEIUX 'I'H BILS RZAL Y, Inc. 529 Davi St., Evanston Wilmcette 3Î40 1511LTN4-itC- e d