Whnnmtr fthe Wilmette police departrnent tw ereetertained al4 lunciseon Tuesday of la4 t rek by the P#P/ils of St. joseph's grade school, ~ they «'ere entertaifted uiith seve val excellent numbers by tihe çchciol bond, 77eacher N anwd~4~ directed by Sister M. IEnsebia. A concert by thse band is scheduled for next Sunday, te programs for 'hidis i.,ghen hereith. to [ ationr.id Lo arose e Chicago Rugby Team Te, Victor Over Manitobans The Chicago rugby team, of which matny North Shore men are members, recently defeated the Manitoba team, 13 to .3, in al gamne played hi .Winni-, peg. Members of the Chicago tean Young Tennis Players I nvited to Com>ete in Tennis Center, Events, invited to particlu, Center Championw Sin the Trennis pS which o"en Children ini thel Miss jane D. Adair>, 320 Mq avenue. Kettilworth, president (, North Shore Wornen's Lacrosse diation, and captaini of its te.am niamed a mnember of theAl- ican womien's lacrosse squad, fi ing the national touirnarnient h4 &rs; J. P. Eves, 741 Cuni e, Kenilworth, andi thel nx, Wayne andi Nevlyn ration Day Week-end ai eWis.. contests Chicago le events at New Trier iool, bas tbeen se >f national lacrosý cams several timf iRussell of GI .ng school i the member of the r, irnierly played wi rganization, but elrose of the asso- a, was Aier- 'ollow- ield at phys- Town- lected se and lncoe, >East, eserve th the was in iThey Say "Techwy is Tops" for Greens... Fairways . ..Drinks' Eligibility requirements are given day " for hiig S follows: . a number of Juniors-boys wbo are not 18 years are to partic ef age January 1, 1938; Boys-boys a tearn of 12 vho are flot 15 year.s pi. age January WAinnetka, ni ,1938; Girsý-girls who are not 18 9 :30 o'clock. rears of age Janiar3' 1. 1938. The girls Play this Saturday begins at 9 teams, not or pol girls nearby Each to Skoki be re-divided into ..hool basis, and play e * C >1 4 "i A . onomm- ,