N.o Da-N. Smoe-Ne S009 WILMETTE COAL & MATERIAL CO. A screech ofbrakes, a siingle screzm, the Piercilig wail of a» ambulance siren,.a. hurried trip to thte hospital, doctorsand niurses workiing frantically, but al vin . This is not a pleasazt picture, but mne that happens ail too: frequenflv. Lt recenttly htappeeited in Wilmette -w/te» a boy'15 yeàrs oid lost hi,, lfie z(hile riding thte bicycle showzn above on a heavili, traveled, high7speed higjhwcay, shortly bel are 1 .m There are ahnost -fifteen hundred bicyceles registered-with the «police de- partmient, almost withoutexception by children under 16 years of age. It is impossible for the police to contact each child, and so they are appealing to the safety regulations upon cyclists and in- sisting that the children obey them. They are as follows: Cite Regulatioais 1. Bicycles' should he ridden on the sidewalk, as close to the outer edge as is practicable, and at a speed and in such a manner as to not endanger pedestrian traffic. 2. No more than one person on a Observance of these regulations, say the police, cornbined with a little extra caution when crossing at intersections, will do much to reduce our bicycle acci- dents. While the record for Wilmette is not bad, the police believe that co- operation of parents and children can uiake it stili bètter. Here it is since there w'ere 770 killed and: 22,400 in-1 jured in bicycle accidents. Townsend Club Holds AlCiird Party Toeaigit, Aipersons friendly to the Town- send national recovery program are invited to the card and bunco party to. be given by Wilmette Townsend club tonight, at 8. o'clock, ini St. Augustine's Parish house, 1142 Wil- mette avenue, Wilmette. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.. after, as usual. Holiday Period Clear S of Motor Accidents In support of his assertion that automobile.accidents can be Prevent- TWIr t'48. Si.. cosil". Soup i[odel A F.. Anastgmat Lens 1/21 te 1/200 Shutter fatal 1 v 3. m 1 ____ The plemsut deodorant powder. To.*h